This is a Journal entry by Purple Lemur

Apoplexy Ad Naseum

Post 1

Purple Lemur

Don't know...just sounded groovy.

So how is everyone these days? Seems to me that the world in general is feeling a little under the weather. Maybe too much pollution. Maybe too many murders. Maybe too much sickness, hunger, despair or laziness. Yeah...might explain some things.

I don't buy it, though. I think it all comes down to not enough laughter. People taking things altogether too seriously, while not actually taking the truly serious matters seriously at all. And through it all...not enough people are laughing. And what happens when people don't laugh? They expand like a hot air balloon and float off into the center of the Sun where they are burned into so little matter that they can't be scraped up to fill a thimble.

So remember...laugh. Keep yourself on the outside edge of serious at all times, but not so as to neglect things that really should get done. And, as a famous person once said, "Keep your head in the clouds and your feet below your knees." =)D:


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Apoplexy Ad Naseum

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