This is the Message Centre for Skie

Hello again.

Post 1

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

We met once in Real Life.

You chaufererd me and 'manda to that restuarant place when I was over in the states to see her this summer.

Just thought I'd drop on by and say 'howdy' smiley - smiley


Hello again.

Post 2


of course! i know you! smiley - smiley you ordered a chocolate milk shake, and i ordered a chocolate milk. and we were confused. smiley - smiley

can't talk much. feeling sick, returning to bed. but more later.

Hello again.

Post 3

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

yup 'tis I. smiley - smiley

Sorry to here you are poorly. Have a smiley - cheerup and some smiley - choc to assist you.

'Manda directed me to your page.

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