This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11461

McNamara That Ghost

Exactly Jack, exactly. smiley - grr

They're as cruel as any other Gods, never forget that.

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11462

jack white

It's true, Mac.

The only way I can make my hat show up again is by buying a new one. Once I do that it will reappear instantly. smiley - grr

Lousy Gods. smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11463

McNamara That Ghost

It's a cruel, heartless world we live in Jack.

smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11464


Afternoon All smiley - ok

That happened to my wooly gloves that have been in the hotpress all summer - fallling out everytime I take a pair of sox out.

But now when I need them I can't find them smiley - grr

Oh and don't worry about me drinking the Italian dry - its my regular restaurant and they know me so I am sure they will be stocked up smiley - ok

Except I am manning the phones the next day smiley - erm

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11465

McNamara That Ghost

I wouldn't worry about being on the phones PSD, most people assume Scots are drunk anyway. smiley - ok

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11466

jack white

With good reason, Mac. smiley - ok

smiley - whistle

It's true though, PSD. How often does something turn up all the time right up until the moment that you desperately need it?

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11467

McNamara That Ghost

The smell of alcohol even travels down the phoneline. smiley - whistle

Also, if we don't bother with owning anything, we wouldn't ever have anything to lose. smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11468

jack white

We would also be freezing all the time, Mac. smiley - grr

If none of us owned any clothes the world would be a colder place. smiley - grr

More interesting perhaps but definitely colder. smiley - erm

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11469

McNamara That Ghost

Jack, if we had no clothes from when we first evolved, we'd have eventually adapted. smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11470

jack white

We'd have remained hairy, Mac.

Like the yeti. smiley - grr

Would you fancy trying to pull a female yeti in some nightclub or other? smiley - grr

Admittedly we've probably all pulled worse with alcohol on board but still..... smiley - erm

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11471

McNamara That Ghost

Jack, how often do I actually pull a woman in a nightclub? smiley - grr

What I am essentially saying is, we're paying for the mistakes made 10,000 years ago or whatever it was.

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11472

jack white

So we're paying for other people's mistakes?

That makes sense.

Just like Arsenal fans are paying for the mistakes of those Russian idiots who decided a handful of corrupt businesmen should make shedloads of cash at the expense of everybody else. smiley - grr

Just think, Mac, if Boris Yeltsin had a brain in his head Arsenal most likely would have won the champions League in 2004 and the PL again in 2005. smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11473

McNamara That Ghost

Exactly Jack. If Yeltsin had kept all the oil for himself, we wouldn't have the problem of multi-billionaires in their 30's. smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11474

jack white

He was a drunken idiot, mac. smiley - grr

Now, for some reason the heat is going off in this building at about 12.30 these days. What sort of an idiot organises that?? smiley - grr

I reckon I need something hot for lunch. smiley - ok

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11475

McNamara That Ghost

Soup? smiley - grr

A panini would be good. I thought of getting one of those when I was in Greggs yesterday but the fact I'd be waiting around for them to heat it whilst idiots queue put me off it. smiley - grr

Why would they want the heating to go off? Good excuse to nip down the pub though Jack. I'm sure health and safety would say warmth at a work environment is ncessary. smiley - whistle

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11476

jack white

There are certainly regulations about the temperature required for buildings like this. And if it doesn't get warmer soon I'm using those regulations as an excuse for going home. smiley - grr

In the meantime I have to nip out to buy stamps because we're sending a gazillion Christmas cards.

Mostly to people I don't even know. smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11477

McNamara That Ghost

It's only fair Jack, they wouldn't want to risk you getting ill on their watch. smiley - grr

And cards? At least you can buy a big bulk of them though.

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11478

jack white

Stoopid stamps. smiley - grr

My ears are like blocks of ice again. smiley - grr

And yeah, I think for the good of everybody concerned leaving early is on the cards. smiley - ok

Some people have disappeared already. And no way in hell is anybody going to buy the old 'site visit' excuse on a day as cold as this. smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11479

McNamara That Ghost

At least there will be strength in unity Jack. smiley - grr

Why do we have to get stamps? It's obvious we've already bought the card. smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11480

jack white

Yeah, we could just tell people we thought about sending them a card.

And it's the thought that counts. smiley - grr

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