This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11261

jack white

Yeah, I've had the chicken and bacon caesar a few times recently. smiley - ok

I figure that anything that contains both chicken and bacon has to be good. smiley - ok

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11262

McNamara That Ghost

It'd have to be pretty poorly done to mess up two great food types as those. smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11263

jack white

Buty how often have people messed up food, Mac?

Remember the peanut butter Kitkat?

Somebody actually sat down and planned that. smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11264

McNamara That Ghost

True Jack. It must've been an executive from a rival confectionary - nobody could think that was a good idea, could they?

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11265

jack white

Only a complete madman, Mac. smiley - grr

Or a raving alcoholic. smiley - erm

Speaking of which....I wonder where PSD is today. smiley - whistle

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11266

McNamara That Ghost

I can probably take a guess.

smiley - whistle

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11267

jack white

I bet she shows up tomorrow and says she was sober but wasn't posting because she had 'too much work' to do.

As if.

smiley - whistle

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11268

McNamara That Ghost

Too much work as in wine tasting. smiley - whistle

And by wine tasting I mean wine gulping.

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11269

jack white

I bet she drinks it so quickly that she never gets to taste it. smiley - grr

smiley - aleabubbly>smiley - alesmiley - bubblysmiley - ale

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11270

jack white

Ooops, spilled a glass. PSD would never forgive me. smiley - whistle

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11271

McNamara That Ghost

True but then still have it off the floor. smiley - whistle

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11272

jack white

She'd drink it off a sore leg, Mac. smiley - erm

Never really understood that phrase....but she would. smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11273

McNamara That Ghost

Wouldn't that mean in pain? smiley - erm

Yup, silly phrase really. smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11274

jack white

It is, but we can sill safely conclude that if there was wine in the welly of a tramp who hadn't changed his socks for nine years PSD would still drink it. smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11275

McNamara That Ghost

There's no point in leaving drink to waste. smiley - ok

Having said that, being faced with drinking that would probably be enough to turn me tee-total. smiley - whistle

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11276

jack white

Arsenal would soon turn you back on to the booze though. smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11277

McNamara That Ghost

I hadn't thought of that. smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11278

jack white

You'll be an alcoholic by half time tonight, Mac. smiley - grr

By the seventieth minute you'll have turned into PSD. smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11279

McNamara That Ghost

I need to find some more money from somewhere if I am going to be having alcohol at the rate of PSD. smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11280

jack white

You'll need to win the lottery. smiley - grr

Anyway, I'm done for the day. Let's hope we can at least avoid another 8-2 tonight. smiley - sadface

talk tomorrow. smiley - ok

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