This is the Message Centre for Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Ad nauseum...

Post 121

Morris Miner

It's me Morris.....I've had a hell of job getting this page loaded today. EV, I see you had the same problem I thought someone was trying to keep me out.

It's not all it's cracked up to be being in charge of the world you know, I've hardly stopped all day. Come back Drool is all I can say, I'll need a holiday myself after this week. Is there any tea going????

Ad nauseum...

Post 122

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Ooh, hello - I've just put the kettle on. Yes, it was a titanic struggle trying to post anything this morning, but it seems to have settled down now. Cake?

Ad nauseum...

Post 123

Sidney Kidney, AKA Gruby Ben, friend of Dirty Den

Hi all...
I'm back from lunch, and the shits hit the fan here!!

Ive got my contractors letting me down left-right and centre at the moment!!!!

I'm extremly angry and I'm gonna start SHOUTING!!!!

Right, what barstard shall I phone first!!!!!

Ad nauseum...

Post 124


oh thank god - oestrogen!

Morris how are you love?

Ad nauseum...

Post 125

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Huh, contractors... bolshy lot, are they? My advice is just to shoot the lot of them. It may seem harsh, but that's because it is.

Ad nauseum...

Post 126

Morris Miner

Extremely fraught Lochy, I don't know whether I'm coming or going! Thanks for the tea EV just what I needed.

Sid what's the matter - have the contractors mutineed or are the revolting?

Ad nauseum...

Post 127

Sidney Kidney, AKA Gruby Ben, friend of Dirty Den

There not producing the f*cking goods on time, which means my other contractors now won't fit the f*cking goods cos they are now commited else where!!!

Ad nauseum...

Post 128

Morris Miner

Oh.....I see. Well erm perhaps shouting will make you feel better. Tell them they are all bastards!!!!!!!

Ad nauseum...

Post 129


Have you tried Zen Archery?

Ad nauseum...

Post 130

Morris Miner

Lochy - what's that?

Ad nauseum...

Post 131


Well the most interesting form I thnk is when the archer takes aim at the contractor ... sorry I mean the Zen person, who has his eyes closed. He aims for the heart. When he loses the arrow the Zen person catches the arrow before it hits him without opening his eyes.

Ad nauseum...

Post 132

Sidney Kidney, AKA Gruby Ben, friend of Dirty Den

I have found out that my job has been side-lined because my contractor has dropped a clanger, and is well behind ion a job for British Rail!!

I am not a happy bunny smiley - sadface

Ad nauseum...

Post 133

Morris Miner everything becomes clear. I rather like the sound of that but I'm not sure Sid will agree to letting the Zen person catch the arrows. Still I know a few people her I' gonna try it out on!!!!!

Poor Sid

Post 134

Morris Miner

Aaaah Poor Sid!!!!!*gives Sid big hug* There, there it'll all seem better in the morning.

Would an SPB help to cheer you up?

Poor Sid

Post 135


Have a hug from me too *squeezes all the breath out Sid* Poor lamb!

Poor Sid

Post 136

Morris Miner

I'm off now got to hit the high spots - well Tesco's actually. See you all tomorrow.

Sid I hope you feel better by then, night.

Poor Sid

Post 137

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

I still stand by the shooting option, SId. It's the only language they understand!

Sid the Victorious

Post 138

Sidney Kidney, AKA Gruby Ben, friend of Dirty Den

Ahaaa...I am making headway.....

Ohooo, thanks for the hugs.

I have gone to the top, and dumped on the works manager!!!

I have been promised a "favroble Outcome", by the MD of the manufacturing company!!!!

The power is mine.....all mine......hah hah hah *sid lets out a victorious laugh*

Sid the Victorious

Post 139

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

*ticks off "Favourable outcome" on his Buzzword Bingo card* smiley - smiley

Sid the Victorious

Post 140


What is next Sid - World Domination?

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