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Hawley Smoot Started conversation Sep 8, 1999
I am one such person, and my name is Hawley Smoot. I recently came across an 8 week old post on my page that I didn't notice was there. It was all alone, as nobody ever visits my mediocre home. Yes indeedy Kat, my name is based on the Hawley Smoot tariff. I have named myself thusly because the words are just so smooshy and nice and fun to say. And because Dave Barry likes them, and he is a very cool frood. Actually, my full name is Stephen James Lawrence Arthur Yorgi "Gompers" Pinky Pika Q Hawley-Smoot Fish Schultz III, but that takes forever to type. I am the author of one sentence of the guide entry on PEZ. I feel so important.
People who don't visit their H2G2 page
The Ghost Of TV's Frink Posted Sep 9, 1999
I have heard several times that the powers that be are going to implement some system where you can mark one of your pages as important, and you would be notified whenever a post is added there. Haven't seen it yet, however......
By the way Kat, this exact situation is unfolding on your "nothing" page
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kat Posted Sep 10, 1999
I must get myself there with great haste than Frink .
Hawley, i too am a Dave Barry fan. I must now yell out Hawley smoot very loudly for no other reason then it is fun to say. Esp. when you emphasize the smooooo.
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Hawley Smoot Posted Sep 10, 1999
I was in an AP US History class my junior year in High School, and the only fact I knew on the AP test was the Hawley Smoot Tariff. That, and that every important event occured on October 8th. My evil teacher called it the Smoot-Hawley. That's just wrong, ain't it? Smoot him.
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kat Posted Sep 11, 1999
AP US History.... memories ladaladala memories. I had it my sophmore year and it was quite an experience, which is all i will say about that.
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Obscure Posted Sep 13, 1999
Hi there Kat, you are'nt the only person to not be regularly frequented on your page, but there are so many pages that it is difficult to keep up; I hope that I will be able to now, as I ahve just put in this system at home, and now do not have to relyat a little spare time at work.
We did speak briefly many weeks ago, at that time I was not aware of your present age, and that you may (?) not be that familiar with gin(but I guess you probably are) the site started out well and then you dissappeared, are you still here?????
I am In Canada, Rocky Mountain Time, what difference does this make to you?
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kat Posted Sep 13, 1999
hullo again obscure. To explain my knowledge of gin and tonic: are you not aware that for an average american teenager achohol is a profound part of their partying and weekend lives? I myself have never been a beer drinker, instead going for the more upscale margharitas and wines.
There is a 2 hr. time difference b/t where I live and Rocky Mt. Time. I know this cause my sis lives in Montana.
As for the forum on gin, i don't know what ever happened to it.
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TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund) Posted Sep 15, 1999
Gin really is nasty stuff.
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