This is the Message Centre for Babette - Dinosaure

There's NOTHING like a good back-scratch ...

Post 141

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Really? You DO have me intrigued now.

* smiley - spacesmiley - space>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>smiley - runs to await explanatory mail *

smiley - doh

* smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - runs back <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< *

I was the 5th of 6 to have that "first day of school" stuff, so it was no big deal. How-ever, my daughter was primarily in the care of her Nan, and a house-full of Welfare receiving boarders at that age. So yep, she was the focus of everyone's attention, Queen of the heap, and ALWAYS got her way. School was quite an eye opener for her, and the first month or so rather awkward. She is still fiercely independent minded, but no longer beats the cr@p out of anyone who gets in her way. Well, only her husband ... and he's just a little squirt anyway. smiley - laugh

There's NOTHING like a good back-scratch ...

Post 142

Babette - Dinosaure

smiley - roflsmiley - rofl yess?? I never beat the cr@p out of anyone smiley - laugh, but I heard sometimes that some of my .. "bodyguards"?? could be fairly unpleasant if I wasn't treated properly to their ideas smiley - laugh. ah, kids..

There's NOTHING like a good back-scratch ...

Post 143

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

There was one lad in our elementary school who was tiny. And thus also had a passle of body-guards who loved to pound on anyone they thought a threat to the little one. Unfortunately, this made the little one into quite a nasty king-let, who would happily point someone out, just to see them swarmed and pulverized. Laughing all the way ... And yeah, I have my share of bone-scars from that too. smiley - erm

There's NOTHING like a good back-scratch ...

Post 144

Babette - Dinosaure

smiley - rofl .. I never tried to "control" them.. I didn't really think about it and I just had a lot of friends.

There's NOTHING like a good back-scratch ...

Post 145

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Ah well, that was well over 30 years ago. And though I still don't see any humour in it, I'm only occassionally reminded of it by the pleasures of arthritis from old injuries.

What's doing in the saurian world this week and week-end? Anything fit for this "family" site?

There's NOTHING like a good back-scratch ...

Post 146

Babette - Dinosaure

* glances through "saurier's weekly" *

mm.. nothing much, slowly starting the preparations for a hatchling b'day but that still has some time to go .. clean out the garden I think..

There's NOTHING like a good back-scratch ...

Post 147

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Ah, one of the littles has a special day arriving, eh? That can prove to be fun for a small herd. smiley - biggrin

We've already had a few good frosts, so the annual flowers have gone to their final resting place. Weather allowing on Saturday, I have to embed a few graves, hang a few skeletons, and generally try to make our place look shabby and spookey for Hallowe'en. Whilst the mistress of the manse is out on the streets with a mayoral candidate, doing what-ever it is they do, leading up to a municipal election.

There's NOTHING like a good back-scratch ...

Post 148

Babette - Dinosaure

smiley - bigeyes .. hang a few skeletons ... mm.. I think we have some wood.. maybe we'll have a gallow in the front yard. There's no tradition of "trick or treat" but it does give a special atmosphere, doesn't it?

There's NOTHING like a good back-scratch ...

Post 149

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

The missus found a few inexpensive plastic and articulated ones. Soaking up the day-light, they glow just enough in the dark to catch the eye. And of course, being perhaps 10 or 15 feet in the air, after dark, ... Ought to have a bit of effect.

And before they get too old to enjoy the experience, you'll just have to ship the hatchlings over here. For one good round of "trick or treating". I think they'd love the novelty of it. smiley - biggrin

There's NOTHING like a good back-scratch ...

Post 150

Babette - Dinosaure

smiley - rofl I can imagine the sight smiley - rofl maybe tie one to a broom?? flying low?
mm.. shipping the hatchlings smiley - biggrin I'm arfaid we're too late for that.. school requires their presence and there's no cheating that until age .. 15 or 16 or so. A long time away.smiley - erm

There's NOTHING like a good back-scratch ...

Post 151

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Hmmmm, yeah, ... Shipping probably isn't the best idea anyway. From your zone, just imagine the lunches you have to send along as well? To last the journey. And by the time they reach those mid-teens, a lot of the magic has gone anyway. So I guess they'll just have to "settle" for local fun and games. smiley - laugh

There's NOTHING like a good back-scratch ...

Post 152

Babette - Dinosaure

smiley - laugh ah yes.. much closer to home there's these trips to Sweden where you make your own raft of trees, and float it down the river for a week or so, camping out on the raft. that sounds real good. is there anything similar in Canada? I'd expect so, with all the trees and water around..

There's NOTHING like a good back-scratch ...

Post 153

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

I haven't personally encountered any such nature trips, but I'm sure there will be plenty in the right areas. Though really, it strikes me as much more Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn'ish than saurian. smiley - laugh

*sits backs and lights up the corn-cob pipe, 'mazin at the stars o'er-head *

There's NOTHING like a good back-scratch ...

Post 154

Babette - Dinosaure

smiley - rofl oh, definitely saurian! ( stars..?? at this time of the day??? )

There's NOTHING like a good back-scratch ...

Post 155

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

You start smokin' on a corn-cob pipe, especially a really old and dry one ... You'll be seeing stars too. And fuzzy pink elephants and any number of other peculiar things.

Well, peculiar in MY world, atleast. I suppose I can't speak for yours. smiley - tongueout

There's NOTHING like a good back-scratch ...

Post 156

Babette - Dinosaure

smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh there's indeed two very large fuzzy, furry, pink elephants upstairs in the hatchling's quarters smiley - rofl

There's NOTHING like a good back-scratch ...

Post 157

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

And are they known to put on inexplicable floor-shows at the oddest hours of the night? If not, your pipe is simply too fresh. smiley - cdouble

Milady used to have nearly a hundred plush thingies. Nearly every conceiveable species, and loving them. Then one day, decided that enough was enough. Picked through and kept perhaps a dozen with specific meaning, aside from from common birthdays, anniversaries and St Valentine's Day-days, ... And gave the rest to the children's ward of the local hospital.

There's NOTHING like a good back-scratch ...

Post 158

Babette - Dinosaure

smiley - laugh ach.. I stopped smoking funny weeds smiley - laugh long time ago.

the hatchlings each have a bed full.. sometimes they have to wrestle their way in, fight with bears and elefants for a space to curl up.

There's NOTHING like a good back-scratch ...

Post 159

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

I bet that makes for quite a cozy pit to bury themselves in them. And loads of brave company on stromy, windy nights. smiley - smiley

I've never explored the illegal or the illicit stuffs, figuring I could do plenty of damage with tobacco, alcohol variants, and the never-too-bright mind of a young male. smiley - doh

There's NOTHING like a good back-scratch ...

Post 160

Babette - Dinosaure

smiley - rofl ah yes, the stormy, windy nights when even the dogs don't go out, when there's dragons and beasties out there in the night that will catch you if you fall.. (that's Jethro Tull by the way.. "no lullaby")

and the funny weed isn't illegal in NL. that is, growingand trading it on a large scale (say a greenhouse full) is illegal, buying, having or using a few grams is perfectly legal.
I too found alcohol nicer, more predictable and better. smiley - redwinesmiley - winkeye

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