This is the Message Centre for Man of Legend


Post 1


I've noticed that you exist. I exist too. smiley - smiley

what, people do exist? crikey

Post 2

Man of Legend

thank you for the notice and giving me faith in this thing.
P.S. I recommend you read my article (please)

Existance... strange thing really...

Post 3


What article?

And why new name?

I used to be a purple flying dolphin.... *cries* I'm not anymore...... ARRGGHH!!!! Soorrrrrryy!!!! Whhoops!

smiley - smiley

Existance... strange thing really...

Post 4

Man of Legend

the article I refer to is called electronics. you can find it at the bottom of my user page

the new name is simply because I want to, and because I found out how to change it (oohh spangly new thingy)

as for purple flying dolphins, well. . . strange thing really.

Existance... strange thing really...

Post 5


I'll check it out later. Promise.

Anyway I'm not a purple flying dolphin anymore because they stole my ,picture away. smiley - sadface

(shrugs) smiley - smiley

Promises, promises

Post 6

Man of Legend

So, your going to check it out later (as the actress said to the bishop)

Right I'm off to take over the world (Risk)

(phone bill restricts time online, so speak as some point next week)

those b'stard dolphins

Promises, promises

Post 7


No really, I will, I just haven't got time right now. Phone bills, etc. cya gtg bye.

Chance will be a fine thing

Post 8

Man of Legend

Right i'm on

oh no i'm off again

check out then you really will clock up a phone bill
(goto x of the day then WAV of the day)

(what is gtg, for it has me baffled)

i'm going to sleep now, night night

Chance will be a fine thing

Post 9


gtg = got to go, which appears to be the case again, sorry. I will definitley check it out next time before I do anything else.

. . . and relax!

Post 10

Man of Legend

Again I make the A-ha noise as I realise that I have been a little foolish.

It doesn't matter if you don't read my article because it's me at my funniest and quite frankly it's poor.
But it amuses me and thats all that matters

ho hum time to leave this electronic coil

. . . and relax!

Post 11

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

(shhh... hi again


(I'm really sorry about this)

(shh... )

(if they find me I'm dead. )

(which is a real giveaway since - - nothing! I said nothing!)

(sorry bout the two weeks)

(they're all going to find me now)


(I'll go read it now.)

(see told you I would)

(this is unless my parents come back and find me online again. )

(OH GOD THEY'RE HERE! I'm sorry!!)

smiley - sadface

. . .and relax, or not as the case may be

Post 12

Man of Legend

when you read it don't forget to LOL (quietly of course)

another one's bitten the dust

. . .and relax, or not as the case may be

Post 13

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga


Finally... just read it. I don't break promises.... if I can help it! smiley - smiley

harry hill

Post 14

Man of Legend

I wondered When you would ask about the titles. they are reference to Harry Hill. nothing more nothing less.

So you've read my page. you are the second person to do so. Did you like it? did it clear up any thing. Or did it just make everything
murky. By the way I speak the truth on all things electronic.

harry hill

Post 15

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

It confused me. But then I can get confused by a lot of things.. eg Life the Universe and Everything confused me... I only understood it the fourth time I read it.. And I've only read it once!


Post 16

Man of Legend

yeah, I got it the first time I read it .
My favorite is the forth (I can't remember what it's called cos I'm p###ed)
However I don't get the dirk gentley book where he starts going off about rhime of the achent mariner.
The monk thing is the funniest thing he's written apart from the marvin/frogstar battleship 3 on the platform.
Mostly harmless takes a couple of reads also but i'm not a fan of that book.

right I'm off to slag off england


Post 17

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

The English, the English, the English are best, and I wouldn't give tuppence for all of the rest.

Sorry. I jut found that poem under a pile of papers.

you can swear here, no one gives a shit.

No Subject

Post 18

Man of Legend

Swearing is not big or cool

however drinking like a bastard is.
gov health warning: unless your body is too young to take it.

Also drinking gives you a beer bellyitis which i seem to be suffering from.

No Subject

Post 19

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

I know swearing is bad.. I don't normally swear..

It's weird, my parents are telling me I should be drinking some of my dad's homebrew and I'm refusing it, shouldn't it be the other way round?!!


Post 20

Man of Legend

Should you refuse homebrew?

First there are some simple questions you must ask your parents
how long has your dad been making homebrew (the longer the better)
Is it a lager or a bitter (I personally drink bitter and it's great, however, Lager is sweeter and you would like it more)

you could always send a sample to me and i'll tell you.

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