This is the Message Centre for Man of Legend


Post 21

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

He's been making it for as long as I can remember. Plus everyone who has tried it says it's brilliant but they're probably saying that to please him. smiley - winkeye


Post 22

Man of Legend

Right I think you should try it. Nobody has died drinking it, however much they wished they had done the morning after.
But your best bet is to try it as a shandy. The sugar in the lemonade will counteract the bitter taste (general bitter taste
no offence to your dad!) that ale usually has. If you like that try it with out lemonade.

Also if you like it drink more of it instead of alchopops which are for whimps and is less expensive.

NOTE: I do not condone under age drinking.


Post 23

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Actually he gave me a sip of his wine a coupla daysago because I was depressed (I'd just been to the doctors..) and I hated it. But it made me laugh a lot... Hehehe smiley - bigeyes I'll stick to dr pepper. I really DO get high on that. smiley - smiley Yesterday I laughed till I cried. smiley - smiley

good chioce

Post 24

Man of Legend

Oh dear I'm drunk again. This really is not a good influence for you.
Please don't think that getting drunk is what you must do. It really is not that great.
I applaued your decition to stick to dr pepper because it is alot nicer thankilling your body like I am.

good health

good chioce

Post 25

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Do not ever mention dr pepper to lisa again. moo cow.

(that's a message from my friend alright)
(she says hi.)

(she is


Okaaaaaeeeeee then.

smiley - bigeyesLOL

more good chioces

Post 26

Man of Legend

So you have dared expose me to the outside world.

I will visit the page shortly.

more good chioces

Post 27

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

sorry about that, that was my friend who came over yesterday. She wanted to leve a message but I was logged in as me. although I did log in as her. Result ing in the poll. She said thanks. smiley - winkeye

no need to apolagise

Post 28

Man of Legend

don't apologise it was good fun meeting your friend.
Although the logging in part was somewhat confusing.

no need to apolagise

Post 29

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

it is possible to log on to h2g2 as a different person. this means if you have multiple email addresses you can have multiple personalities. I have seven. smiley - smiley


Post 30

Researcher 103062

Is it not true that engineers are really boring people who spend well over 40 hours a week doing
bloody maths and such like crap.
Who very rarely go out to the pub and when the do the talk about maths and complain
how bad the beer tastes for the price per pint(or are you a babycham kinda boy!!!)
Is it also true that engineers are tight fisted because they know how expensive everything is!

Are you tight fisted?
Do you talk of maths all day?
Do you complain about beer prices?
I bet you even support a shitty football team like Sheffield wednesday
( Only kidding no-one is that sad(sorry))

Sheepish again

Post 31

Man of Legend

Again I look rather sheepish as I realise how foolish I have been.
oh well life goes on.

The measage from the new user is my "mate" being an arse and pointing out my inadiquacies.


Post 32

Man of Legend

I do, but at least my team's not in the first division like Notts Forest.


Post 33

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

*shuts eyes tightly and screams very loudly*


Post 34

Researcher 103062

I find your actions very, very distrubing

and up the Owls (well they can't go any lower until the end of the season).


Post 35

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga


*rocks back and forth waiting for normality to be resumed (as soon as we can figure out what it is)*


Post 36

Man of Legend

yes you have every right to be confused as I have no idea either.

If you see normality tell it I want a severe word in it's shell-like.


Post 37

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

I haven't seen it. Ever. smiley - winkeye


Post 38

Man of Legend

I once heard roumours of it's Existance but i dissmissed them as pure rot.

However i think that having a cold is normal.


Post 39

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

What did you say, are you calling me normal?

*threatening stare*

smiley - winkeye


Post 40

Man of Legend

So you have a cold too.

I find alchol is an amazing remidy btw did you ever try any home brew.

try Southern Comfort and hot lemon not only will you not care about your cold you will go straight to sleep.

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