This is the Message Centre for Doug Dastardly

You're sure now?

Post 21


Bring a bucket, a bell (for ringing people and demanding room service) and a tall glass of water (or whatever it is you want)

You're sure now?

Post 22

Doug Dastardly

Thanks for the advice! I'd have never have thought of that! Although the only drawback I can see is that there is nobody around who's going to respond to the ringing of the bell with anything other than abuse!

You're sure now?

Post 23


"Room service!"

You're sure now?

Post 24

Doug Dastardly

POW? I thought only comic book characters made that sound.

You're sure now?

Post 25


That and old Batman shows.

You're sure now?

Post 26

Doug Dastardly

Hehe, batman *is* a comic book character and it was exactly those old tv programs I was thinking of!

You're sure now?

Post 27



You're sure now?

Post 28

Doug Dastardly

Ah. Thought so smiley - smiley.

You're sure now?

Post 29


How on EARTH do you put those smiley faces? Tell me. Please.

You're sure now?

Post 30

Doug Dastardly

You just use the following characters together (no spaces)
; - ) for a smiley - winkeye
: - ) for a smiley - smiley
: - ( for a smiley - sadface or
8 - ) for a smiley - bigeyes.

You're sure now?

Post 31



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smiley - smiley

You're sure now?

Post 32

Doug Dastardly

Ok. I'll take a look tomorrow when I get to work. I'm knackered and I need to get up again in 4 hours! Bah! Glad to see you got the smilies working!

You're sure now?

Post 33


What?!?!?!?! It's 8:30 here! You can't go to work in four hours..oh. That's right. You fell asleep at the keyboard again.

You're sure now?

Post 34

Doug Dastardly

Well, when it's gets to two in the morning, and I have to be up for six, then I normally decide it's about time to call it a night.

You're sure now?

Post 35


Q: Why? Does is really, cosmically speaking, MATTER if we go to work?A: 42

You're sure now?

Post 36

Doug Dastardly

Work is a myth! Well, that's the way I like to look at it! smiley - winkeye trouble is, it pays the bills so you don't get much option!

You're sure now?

Post 37


They should invent a workless work. Or at least infinite sick days.

You're sure now?

Post 38

Doug Dastardly

I'm working on it smiley - winkeye

You're sure now?

Post 39


Well, if it's a sucess, let me know..

You're sure now?

Post 40


Is this a private party or smiley - winkeye can anyone join in? Oh my god it works, sorry guys I was just testing your theory on smiley - smiley and it works!! You just carry on talkin' smiley - sadfacesmiley - bigeyes wow this is so much fun I may just place them everywhere now. Know any other cute icons we can mess with?

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