This is the Message Centre for Doug Dastardly

You're sure now?

Post 1


Are you SURE that living in Smallfield isn't your fault? And where, excactly, IS Smallfield anyway?

You're sure now?

Post 2

Doug Dastardly

Hehe yeah I'm sure living in Smallfield isn't my fault, I have always blamed my parents for bringing me here in the first place many years ago. Although plans are afoot to get out of here soon! And where is it anyway? Well, everyone asks that... if you've ever flown in or out of Gatwick airport, you've probably flown over my house..

You're sure now?

Post 3


Well, I'm American and never left the country, so chances are I'v never seen your house, nor will I. Visit my User Page for a few laughs, and one more thing: how do you get the diffrent sizes and colors in the Entries?

You're sure now?

Post 4

Doug Dastardly

Well, you never know, if we can put pictures on our pages at some point maybe I'll put a picture of Smallfield up so you can see what an exciting place it is!

As for the different text on my page, you can add that by using standard HTML tags such as Well, you never know, if we can put pictures on our pages at some point maybe I'll put a picture of Smallfield up so you can see what an exciting place it is!

As for the different text on my page, you can add that by using standard HTML tags such as for bold and for bold and for italic etc.. for italic etc.. works too...

You're sure now?

Post 5


Thanks for the info, and one more question: why did you repeat all the things over and over and over and over again? (no insult or pun intended)

You're sure now?

Post 6

Doug Dastardly

Oooh! now that is interesting! Looks like another bug in the system here. I used the "preview" message option and it seems to have messed around with my message. I can assure you, I'm neither deranged or intoxicated at the moment (although this is subject to change). It seems there's a few teething troubles with this system, and this one seems to have the objective of making me look stupid!

You're sure now?

Post 7


I heard that if you're both deranged and intoxicated at the exact same time, the two cancel each other out, and you behave in a very strange fasion. This is called: intoxoranged.

You're sure now?

Post 8

Doug Dastardly

Or "Normal!"

You're sure now?

Post 9


Normal? That's good, right?

You're sure now?

Post 10

Doug Dastardly

Depends on the frame of reference. Normal for a lunatic asylum is somewhat different to normal for a scientific research laboratory... on second thoughts... maybe it's not.. but you see what I'm getting at?

You're sure now?

Post 11


Insane asylum: Normal is when you make no attempts to commit sucide

Scientific lab: Normal is when you mix together the two volatile chemicals...without a protective lab coat on.

You're sure now?

Post 12

Doug Dastardly

So you can see what I'm getting at. Normal is relative. All you need to do to appear normal is surround yourself with others with a similar outlook, or funny jackets with arms that tie behind your back.

You're sure now?

Post 13


Like the old be normal, hang out with people weirder than you.

You're sure now?

Post 14

Doug Dastardly

Ah, but you wouldn't be normal to those wierd people! You'd be the wierd one! I'm wondering if it's "normal" to be sitting here at nearly three in the morning discussing what is, or isn't normal!

You're sure now?

Post 15


Three in the morning! Oh, that's right. You're in England (Small something-or-another). It's only 9:47 here in Lexington, Kentucky, America, The World, Sol System, Western Spiral Arm of the Galaxy, The Milky Way, the Universe, The Whole Sort of General Mish Mash.

You're sure now?

Post 16

Doug Dastardly

Well, no matter where I am, or what time it is (and we all know that time is an illusion!) I just know that I'm tired... *yawn*. And I've still got to come up with excuses not to do anything strenuous tomorrow...

You're sure now?

Post 17


Tell the truth:
You:"I spent all last night talking to a guy in America!"
Big, Mean, Won't-Give-You-A-Raise Boss:"What!?!?!?!?"
You:"No, really!"
[Reread until dizzy]

You're sure now?

Post 18

Doug Dastardly

I've got a feeling that won't "cut the mustard" so to speak. I'm thinking that the best overall tactic will be to stay in bed until the coast is clear.

You're sure now?

Post 19


In other words, forever.

You're sure now?

Post 20

Doug Dastardly

Well, you never know who's going to be out there waiting to get you! Safest pace in bed. At least you now what to expect. The only drawback is thirst, hungers and the feeling your bladder is about to explode... so in the end I was forced to get up... Maybe next time I'll be better prepared.

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