This is the Message Centre for GNP Aaron

Listen, Punk.

Post 81

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

I'll give you five virtual dollars and some radiater fluid

Listen, Punk.

Post 82


are you serious? cause i'm poor...... maybe i should start a garage sale.. i got lots of junk.. anyone need anything? greggers

Listen, Punk.

Post 83

GNP Aaron

What? Get out of my junk! why you.... Hey, I was looking for that!

Listen, Punk.

Post 84


Get away from my stuff!!! or i'll wack you!!!! OWWWW!!!!! HEY MOE!! HEY MOE!!!! so... if we find some Beatles albums, can i keep em?

Listen, Punk.

Post 85

GNP Aaron

Hey Hey! He's go a biter! Reel it in! You can have the beatles albums if you can unravel them from the hose.

Listen, Punk.

Post 86

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

It's moments like this you need a pruneburger

Listen, Punk.

Post 87

GNP Aaron

Maybe you just need more roughage?

Listen, Punk.

Post 88


hey guys... i found some cokes from 1979. ya think they are still good? i'm always hungry...... =/

Listen, Punk.

Post 89

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Talking about The Beatles - here's a quiz for you. Email your answers to [email protected] I will post the answers sometime next week

1/ What was the original title of the movie Help? And which Beatle is demonstrating the semaphore letter 'H' on the cover of the album.
2/ What was the last studio recording on which both Lennon and McCartney sang?
3/ Who answered a newspaper reporter's question with: "It's getting better all the time" and thus gave McCartney a song title?
4/ What four job titles are mentioned in the lyrics of Penny lane?
5/ Who is the subject of Sexy Sadie (from the White Album)?
6/ What specifically do She's leaving Home and Eleanor Rigby have in common?
7/ Does Hitler appear on the cover of Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band?
8/ What is the significance of 28 IF?
9/ What was the inspiration for Good Morning, Lennon's 'filler' track on Sgt Pepper's?
10/ What event took place at Candlestick Park, San Francisco in August, 1966?

Listen, Punk.

Post 90


WOW... i never realised how Beatles dumb i was till now.. thanks!!!!!!

Listen, Punk.

Post 91

GNP Aaron

Then beatles broke up some considerable time before I was even born. I could not answer one of those questions if I had a gun to my head.

Listen, Punk.

Post 92


Well, if a gun was to my head, i'd answer them all.. i mean sure they would not be right..... but you get my point.... salty goodness huh? ya know, pineapple juice helps....

Listen, Punk.

Post 93

GNP Aaron

I tend to use pineapple juice as a mixer for tequila.

Listen, Punk.

Post 94

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Anyone seen my gum? It was a silver one with three notches in the handle.

Listen, Punk.

Post 95

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Loony shoots the cock-up fairy. Make that gun, not gum. Duh smiley - fish

Listen, Punk.

Post 96

GNP Aaron

That fairy'll be cack before the night's through. I know it.

Listen, Punk.

Post 97

GNP Aaron

Fairy will be Back. BACK.
BTW, I enjoyed your thing on the Wretch on the Aceforum list. I know those people. I am one, we indeed are a sorry species.

Also, H2G2 Fiction needs YOUR presdigious help. Link on my page.


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