This is the Message Centre for ianisinfrance

December 29th Lunch

Post 1


Well here we are. This conversation is to talk about the nuts and bolts of the food board meet. Any contributions gratefully received. smiley - chocsmiley - cake

December 29th Lunch

Post 2


I've now managed to put up a bit of a web page to allow you to see what we've negotiated. Not perfect, but not bad IMO!

Here's a link

When you're prepared to commit yourself by sending a deposit of £10, contact me and I'll let you know how to arrange this.


December 29th Lunch

Post 3


Hi Ian,

We're still in for this. Menu looks OK for us.


Will & Chris.

December 29th Lunch

Post 4


Hi Ian,

I was beginning to think this was not going to happen.

Thanks for all the hard work, and count Frank and me in.

Best wishes,


December 29th Lunch

Post 5


No idea how to do this, so apologies if I post it all wrong!

Anyway, many thanks for arranging this Ian, it looks brilliant. Please count me in!


HRB (AKA Heather)

December 29th Lunch

Post 6


I would still like to come now that you have come to such a fine arrangement.

Have they stipulated a maximum number of people? I believe it was 25 -30 originally.

Thank you to all involved in getting us this far!


December 29th Lunch

Post 7


Good work Ian. Your perseverance has paid off. Sadly though the set fee counts me out. Hope one and all enjoy and I look very much forward to the next meet.

If I don't speak to you before you come over, I wish you and Jacquie as safe journey over here. I trust you will be staying with your brother again? You are more than welcome to join us for dinner again. I may even throw in the chocolate pud smiley - choc


December 29th Lunch

Post 8


Hi HappyRaggyBear
you said
No idea how to do this, so apologies if I post it all wrong!

Anyway, many thanks for arranging this Ian, it looks brilliant. Please count me in!
You did it fine Heather! Delighted that you, Will and Chris, Earthmaiden, Sue & Frank, and all the others who I've not acknowledged personally yet are coming. Now all you have to do is to contact me by email (you can find my address on the website I gave) to find out how to get a deposit to me.

So far we're up to 12 definites - committed to sending deposits.

Cat, smiley - hug very sorry that you won't be coming, though I feared you wouldn't. I hope not too many drop out, though of course we will understand that £38 before booze isn't peanuts - just after Christmas and all.


December 29th Lunch

Post 9


Hi Ian, have just sent you an email. Gist is that I am reasonably confident Richard and I are still on, so looking forward to seeing you and the others then.
Thanks again for sorting it out,
Best wishes,
Béa aka KeenCook2 aka Beatrice smiley - smiley

December 29th Lunch

Post 10

Annie ™

Sorry it took so long to get going again but been unwell (and I was doing so well).

I'll contact you regarding the deposit smiley - smiley

December 29th Lunch

Post 11


Hi Annie

Thanks very much. Sorry to hear you've not been well. Hope all is 100% by Christmas.

Just to give advance notice to everyone. I will be out of contact from the 12th Nov and only in sporadic touch from the evening of the 8th. I shall be sending the deposit tomorrow to the HHH. I don't think they need to know the final numbers until just before Christmas, although I will want deposits to be in to me by the time I get back on 12th December. There's no reason not to encourage other board members to take part, on a first come first served basis up to 30 in total.


December 29th Lunch

Post 12


Hi Ian

can you count me in please, really looking forward to it ....... How do I get the deposit to you?

Pat (PatsyFagin)smiley - ok

December 29th Lunch

Post 13


Hi Pat,
You asked:-
can you count me in please. How do I get the deposit to you?
Excellent news!!! smiley - biggrin Did you see on the website that I put a link to my email address? I don't think I should put it here, sorry about these silly rules! If you have any trouble finding it, holler.


December 29th Lunch

Post 14


Hi Everyone,

With regards to the menu, I notice it said 'a selection of' the three side dishes. So are these extra on top of the £38, or does it come with it? Just trying to work out budget etc.

December 29th Lunch

Post 15


Hi there schmoof. I didn't ask that specifically, but my reading was quite definitely that the £38 was an all in price, for food. I suppose that we should count on a tip, but it will include starter, main, side, pud and cawfee. Booze extra.

All the best

December 29th Lunch

Post 16


God, I really hope it's an all-in price for the food!

Regarding drinks, we're going to have to keep a pretty tight rein on our spending so I'm putting in a request NOT to simply split the drinks bill. I know people don't like ending a festive meal with working out details of a bill and normally I'd agree but I also know from experience that the drinks bill will vary hugely between individuals...

Hope this won't cause a problem.

December 29th Lunch

Post 17


Attn Patsyfagin.

Is all well? I've still not had an email from you.


December 29th Lunch

Post 18


Hi Ian - just confirming Richard and I will be there!

Looking forward to seeing everyone,

Béa smiley - smiley

December 29th Lunch

Post 19


Brilliant, Béa, smiley - bubblysmiley - cake thanks very much for confirming. Got your email btw.


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