This is the Message Centre for Emmy, Baroness Bikini Beachwear Babe of Bubsterland
It's your turn, you know.
Classic Krissy Posted Dec 2, 1999
*laughs so hard she has to sit down*
It's your turn, you know.
Amanda Posted Dec 3, 1999
*Sits down next to Krissy, watches Spart chase after cows off somewhere in the foreground...*
So, darling. How's life?
It's your turn, you know.
Classic Krissy Posted Dec 3, 1999
Life is pretty good, except that I have been taken over by strange alien hormones that demand that I kill everyone I see this week. Other than that, life's hunky dory!
I'm enjoying watching Spartus chase after cows. He does it well. And I like hamburger.
Uh oh...have to run...feel....mood....swing..........coming.....
(pity Andy this week, he needs it. I keep calling and crying at him, poor guy)
It's your turn, you know.
Spartus Posted Dec 3, 1999
*walks in wearing a loincloth, bone stuck through nose*
*swings off on a vine*
It's your turn, you know.
Classic Krissy Posted Dec 3, 1999
*rises suddenly covered in a leopard skin and a big boa constrictor*
AAAHHYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY! *swings after Spartus, keen to grab the bone in his nose and yank, just to see what happens*
It's your turn, you know.
Spartus Posted Dec 3, 1999
>"All I try to do is love. Why is it that I wind up maiming so often?"
I'm not sayin' nuthin', I'm just sayin' what I'm sayin'. Know what I'm sayin'?
It's your turn, you know.
Classic Krissy Posted Dec 3, 1999
*sigh* You can take the woman away from the violence, but you can't take the violence away from the woman.
I just keep proving, over and over again, that I'm me.
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It's your turn, you know.
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