This is the Message Centre for Emmy, Baroness Bikini Beachwear Babe of Bubsterland

It's your turn, you know.

Post 1

Classic Krissy

I'm still going decidedly mad, but I made up my mind to visit everyone before I went all the way. I'm sorry about my fit the other day. I haven't been well at all. However, I am far less interested in how well I am then how well you are. Are you well?

It is likely that Spartus will be following along shortly as he's following me around and also as he's nosey.

It's your turn, you know.

Post 2


I am NOT nosy!

It's your turn, you know.

Post 3

Classic Krissy

oh ya are too.

It's your turn, you know.

Post 4


Am not!...Hey, what are you holding there?

It's your turn, you know.

Post 5

Classic Krissy


Bug innards?'s just a bag of Oreo Cookie Innards. Want some? (nosy)

It's your turn, you know.

Post 6



It's your turn, you know.

Post 7

Classic Krissy

*sigh* No one here is impressed with our entertainment abilities.

It's your turn, you know.

Post 8


So what should we do? I think we should dress up like super heroes.

It's your turn, you know.

Post 9

Classic Krissy

Hmmmmm.... I think you should be "Tight Underwear Man". I'll be "Radioactive Booger Girl".

Will you wear red?

It's your turn, you know.

Post 10


Red, blue, green, orange--all of 'em at once. If I'm Tight Underwear Man, I'll just stand around making strangled noises. smiley - bigeyes

It's your turn, you know.

Post 11

Classic Krissy

No, you have to stand around hitching from the ball of one foot to the other. Your secret weapon is the SUPER WEDGIE!

It's your turn, you know.

Post 12


Huh-huh, said, *censored*.

It's your turn, you know.

Post 13

an apple tree

O i wouldn't look so suprised, she says 'censored' alllll the time when you're not around, infact, in certain circles, i believe she's known for her use of such unutterables.

It's your turn, you know.

Post 14

Emmy, Baroness Bikini Beachwear Babe of Bubsterland

Oh fine, come have a party here at my place and don't even leave me an Oreo cookie!! Not even a crumb! Now I am depressed!

*heads off to find Greg to see if he has any Oreos*

It's your turn, you know.

Post 15

an apple tree

haHAR!!! *regurgitates orios. snickers**

It's your turn, you know.

Post 16

Classic Krissy

Oh now...was that TOTALLY necessary?

It's your turn, you know.

Post 17


heh perhaps not, but it did almost make me choke on my beer smiley - smiley

It's your turn, you know.

Post 18

an apple tree

"almost", you say?


It's your turn, you know.

Post 19

Emmy, Baroness Bikini Beachwear Babe of Bubsterland

Alright this might be my home page thingy but I REFUSE to clean up Oreo puke!!!!

It's your turn, you know.

Post 20


Can't say I blame you. Did you *see* the mess they left at my place? smiley - winkeye

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