This is the Message Centre for Emmy, Baroness Bikini Beachwear Babe of Bubsterland
It's your turn, you know.
Kate Posted Nov 23, 1999
I do love a good party
*jumps up and down* Can we throw it in the name of the Broncos, who up until about two minutes ago were severely whipping Oakland? Can we? Can we?
I know none of you care at all, just humor me
It's your turn, you know.
Kate Posted Nov 23, 1999
Oh by the way, you know what Monday Night Broncos means...major drinkage! Who's with me?
It's your turn, you know.
Spartus Posted Nov 23, 1999
Of course, this is the night I decide to hit the sack early.
It's your turn, you know.
Classic Krissy Posted Nov 23, 1999
Will it help if I point and laugh at you? Because I would be willing to do that if it were required. Never ever doubt that I would do that kind of thing for you. Because...because I care about you. Deeply.
Just let me know.
It's your turn, you know.
Spartus Posted Nov 24, 1999
If you feel you have to, go ahead. I haven't cried since...since you called me a pudding head.
It's your turn, you know.
Classic Krissy Posted Nov 24, 1999
*pointing* HA HA! wait.. I meant to say...
(I know how that reads, but I didn't mean "hug on the cheek" because that would just be redicamus.)
It's your turn, you know.
Classic Krissy Posted Nov 30, 1999
*sits sadly on the floor*
All I try to do is love. Why is it that I wind up maiming so often?
It's your turn, you know.
Amanda Posted Nov 30, 1999
You maim because you love.
Or at least that's how it was in my family - I don't know how *you* sickos were raised! Humph!
*huffs away, hoity-toity nose in the air, and walks into the nearest wall*
It's your turn, you know.
Classic Krissy Posted Nov 30, 1999
"You maim because you love."
Thank God! My life all makes some kind of sense now! *taking a baseball bat to the nearest fluffy bunny*
It's your turn, you know.
Amanda Posted Nov 30, 1999
Um, Krissy....have I told you lately that I....erm...hate you? Yeah, that's it. Um, don't like you at all and I don't want you to like me either. Not in the tiniest bit. And how.
*backs away slowly*
Ok...well, maybe just a *little*, but that's it. Not even worth a hangnail. Honestly.
Ok, who am I kidding?!? *throws herself prone on the floor* Do with me what you will, but I like you dammit and there's naught you can do about it! Maim away!
It's your turn, you know.
Classic Krissy Posted Nov 30, 1999
*patting 'Manda on the shoulder comfortingly* It's ok. It's like we're the same person.
*smiling winningly* I know what YOU want. *hands Amanda a bat* Go love that cute little ducky over there. I have to finish up these bunnies.
*calling out* Hey beetle!! Get the stove going? I'm going to love these bunnies so much we'll have enough rabbit stew for everybody. *glaring back at everyone who's making faces* Oh, just pretend you're Russian.
It's your turn, you know.
Spartus Posted Dec 1, 1999
*walks in with a two-by-four with a railroad spike hammered through it*
Who wants some lovin', then?
It's your turn, you know.
Kate Posted Dec 1, 1999
Excuse me, I seem to be lost here. I was looking for a forum about cute puppies and found, er, this, which is obviously not the place for someone who just had a tofurkey Thanksgiving...
Okay I'll be going now...carry on with the, uhm, large pieces of wood...
It's your turn, you know.
Amanda Posted Dec 1, 1999
Ah thinks ah spots me a big ol' heffer in need of some of that there lovin', Spart! Go git ol' Bessie where it counts!
*gets dizzy*
It's your turn, you know.
Spartus Posted Dec 1, 1999
*goes looking for a nail gun* Here cow, cow, cow...
Key: Complain about this post
It's your turn, you know.
- 21: Spartus (Nov 23, 1999)
- 22: Kate (Nov 23, 1999)
- 23: Kate (Nov 23, 1999)
- 24: Spartus (Nov 23, 1999)
- 25: Classic Krissy (Nov 23, 1999)
- 26: Spartus (Nov 24, 1999)
- 27: Classic Krissy (Nov 24, 1999)
- 28: Spartus (Nov 24, 1999)
- 29: Classic Krissy (Nov 29, 1999)
- 30: Spartus (Nov 30, 1999)
- 31: Classic Krissy (Nov 30, 1999)
- 32: Amanda (Nov 30, 1999)
- 33: Classic Krissy (Nov 30, 1999)
- 34: Amanda (Nov 30, 1999)
- 35: Classic Krissy (Nov 30, 1999)
- 36: Spartus (Dec 1, 1999)
- 37: Kate (Dec 1, 1999)
- 38: Spartus (Dec 1, 1999)
- 39: Amanda (Dec 1, 1999)
- 40: Spartus (Dec 1, 1999)
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