Bisexuality and the Human Condition

So.. are humans by nature bisexual? There have been studies on monkeys that are very closely related to homo sapiens that suggest that we are. I think that our nurturing process and society has irreparably damaged us. That attraction to the same sex is taboo.. when quite possibly it very well could be the most natural thing in the world. We possess the ability to see beauty in the world and in others. Why is it so wrong for a female to look at another.. or a man to appreciate another without ridicule. I mean, hell look at the fashion magazines. Full of scantily clad women.. the hint of a nipple showing through a sheer blouse.. its designed to make us WANT that. I mean the bible tells us its WRONG. Why? Did God .. or whoever else penned the bible fear a lack of procreation? ..I have no idea. Well I for one have decided to free myself of taboo. I will freely announce my bisexuality to one and all and not care. It's natural.. its part of my human condition.. THE human condition in my honest opinion. Church and state can't put blinders on me. Sexual attraction is the most natural thing in the world. I say do whats comes natural for each individual and don't let the taboos of any society screw it up.

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