This is the Message Centre for badkittn


Post 1


Welp.. I'm bored..
Transitional periods suck. I quit my job and am planning on going to school.. but its weird ..
I haven't registered yet. Have to wait.. Life is Waiting..ugh ugh
Well.. anyway.. This is my life. It's not interesting.. but perhaps
someone will find comic relief in my existence. smiley - smiley
Actually.. I am looking forward to going back to school. I am going to
major in Microcomputer Applications Support at Austin Community College.
Unfortunately, in high school I had no idea I would become such a computer
geek and left my math to the birds and took theatre. Soo.. I am 32 years old
and being forced to take introductory algebra. I bought a book to help me along
and so fa have adhered to my goal of doing some review every day.
I plan to do VERY well in school this time around. No getting pregnant or smoking
so much marijuana that i am passed out on the floor.
I mentioned my views on bisexuality on my home page. I actually have yet
to "do anything" about my feelings. I am going to meet a woman this weekend and hopefully we will
if nothing else be friends. I will keep you 'posted' smiley - winkeye
Signing off...


Post 2


I'd be interested to hear about how your weekend went - my girlfriend is also bisexual but has done nothing about it (yetsmiley - smiley).
I don't outright agree with your statement that everyone is naturally bisexual, but I do agree that bisexuality is natural and normal.

Live well, and enjoy smiley - smiley


Post 3

Hope Loveday

I am in the question mark stakes regarding sexuality at the mo. Reading your journal tho', it's nice to be reassured there's no need to rush or hurry. (Sorry, it's just some days I look around me and it just seems that everyone else my age (21) is incredibly self-knowing and comfortable about it. I expect this isn't completely true - it just seems like it some days). I hope your weekend went well.

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