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Post 1

Ford Prefect 2nd

Hi, H2G2 user people.

Thanks for looking up my Glastonbury Tor Page. Hope it has been Useful.


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Post 2

Al 2000

Do you know of any of the legends surrounding it? They might be quite interesting.

G.Bury Tor

Post 3

Ford Prefect 2nd


G.Bury Tor

Post 4

Ford Prefect 2nd


I didn't really expect anyone to reply to the forum message. But I don't really know much about it. If you go down to glastonbury there are various books and what not. You could also try andfind a site using a search engine.


Post 5

Agent 00flob (original, huh?)


That seems to be the normal reply, anyway, whats all that guff about Glastonbury Tor?

Bye, from geuss oooo? (see the nickname and work it out).


Post 6

Ford Prefect 2nd




Post 7

Agent 00flob (original, huh?)

Huh (sigh), I know, I allways win when I can, especially at pub rugby.

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