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a perilous course
Gleemonger Started conversation May 21, 1999
*hum* Mmm, I see. Yes, this article is funny. Pity about some of the spelling (sorry, I'm a pedant). I've never had a legitmate ID badge/card of any sort. I sent away for one when I was 18 and typed it up myself, and laminated it with the iron. A pity I didn't have any real ID at the time to back it up.
Anyway, it strikes me that a Researcher ID Card would be an excellent idea, and perhaps you should design it, since you are already so well-versed on the subject. May I suggest that the sub-text of "So this is it - we're going to die!" appear on all cards (in very small print, of course) so that Researchers from other parts of the Galaxy will instantly know where we come from?
(And here's hoping that the entry doesn't double up as it just has in preview!)
a perilous course
Pastey Posted Jun 21, 1999
I've come up with a preliminary design for an I.D. bage. Have a look at my user page and let me know wwhat you think.
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a perilous course
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