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Hypatia gets my vote, why not yours?

Post 1

marvthegrate LtG KEA


Hypatia is receiving my vote for h2g2 president. The Ozark party is by far the best party to vote for.

As your Archbishop, I encourage you, strongly, to vote. And when you are voting, be sure to vote for what you know is the best party out there. Vote Ozark, Vote Hypatia!

Hypatia gets my vote, why not yours?

Post 2


Thank you Marv. I appreciate your support. The Church of the True Brownie is one of the most revered institutions on h2g2. Your endorsement means a lot to me.

Hypatia gets my vote, why not yours?

Post 3


I must say, Marv, I never thought the day would dawn when you and I would be supporting the same election candidate. It just goes to show what a great unifying force Hyp is. smiley - hug And if the Brownie is with us, surely we shall overcome! smiley - applausesmiley - biggrin

Hypatia gets my vote, why not yours?

Post 4

Mr. Cyde: The Tearer and Master of Bad Jokes.

So much for the separation between church and state.

Befor I dedicate my vote, I need to know what the issues are.

Where Does she stand on the Olive and Mushroom issue?

Hypatia gets my vote, why not yours?

Post 5


Well that depends, Mr. Cyde. Where do you stand on the Olive and Mushroom issue. smiley - winkeye

Ahem..........I am extremely fond of olives and olive oil and am impressed that something so tasty is also so darn good for your health. My all time favorite pizza is sausage, olive and mushroom. My favorite mushrooms are morells and portabellas. I have never smoked magic mushrooms, however.

In spite of this, I will defend to the death the right if non-olive and mushroom people to be spared from consuming/smoking either.

Hypatia gets my vote, why not yours?

Post 6

Mr. Cyde: The Tearer and Master of Bad Jokes.

YAY! I'm voting for you!smiley - hug

Hypatia gets my vote, why not yours?

Post 7

Mr. Cyde: The Tearer and Master of Bad Jokes.

Was that little girlish enough for you?

"I wanna play with dolls now!"

Only kidding.

Cydesmiley - vampire

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