This is the Message Centre for beetle, return of

Now here you are with your faith and your Peter Pan advice...

Post 21

Classic Krissy

Oh dear oh dear. You just KNOW he got the crap beat out of him daily by other children.

Why hasn't anyone told him that now that he's an announcer he needs to change that?

That's just wrong. smiley - smiley No one in this world should ever be named Eeenus.

Now here you are with your faith and your Peter Pan advice...

Post 22

beetle, return of

Why not Eeenoosa? Sounds snazzy.

Now here you are with your faith and your Peter Pan advice...

Post 23

Classic Krissy

Okay....Eeenoosa is automatically cool. But that's hardly Eeenus is it?

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Now here you are with your faith and your Peter Pan advice...

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