This is the Message Centre for beetle, return of
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Now here you are with your faith and your Peter Pan advice...
what you know as km Started conversation Mar 9, 2000
I am *so* digging that Beetle and that waving hippie dude. Really liking them.
*hugs beetle*
*runs away*
Now here you are with your faith and your Peter Pan advice...
Classic Krissy Posted Mar 9, 2000
It's you and me beetle. And bubster and Emmy and C. *sigh sigh sigh*
C'mon, sigh with me brothah.
Now here you are with your faith and your Peter Pan advice...
beetle, return of Posted Mar 9, 2000
*sighs slightly to the left*
Soooo, whatcha want to do this weekend?
Now here you are with your faith and your Peter Pan advice...
Classic Krissy Posted Mar 9, 2000
Dunno. I guess I'll just put the kitty on a plane on Saturday and then cry my eyes out.
How bout you?
Now here you are with your faith and your Peter Pan advice...
beetle, return of Posted Mar 10, 2000
Sounds good to me. Be there at 3ish?
Now here you are with your faith and your Peter Pan advice...
beetle, return of Posted Mar 10, 2000
What issues?
Now here you are with your faith and your Peter Pan advice...
Classic Krissy Posted Mar 11, 2000
No no.. tissues TISSUES..... I snot alot when I cry..
Now here you are with your faith and your Peter Pan advice...
an apple tree Posted Mar 23, 2000
quick robin!!! the snot repelant spray!!!
Now here you are with your faith and your Peter Pan advice...
Classic Krissy Posted Mar 23, 2000
*head blows up*
*decapatated body flops over in an obscene manner and bleeds on the carpet*
Now here you are with your faith and your Peter Pan advice...
beetle, return of Posted Mar 24, 2000
ok, now. Who's going to clean up this mess, that's what i want to know. And someone cover her with a towel or something, that's just obscene.
Now here you are with your faith and your Peter Pan advice...
an apple tree Posted Mar 26, 2000
quick robin!! the anti-decapitated body flop repellant spray!!!
Now here you are with your faith and your Peter Pan advice...
Classic Krissy Posted Mar 27, 2000
*continues to bleed*
Um, there's not a lot else I can do here.
Now here you are with your faith and your Peter Pan advice...
beetle, return of Posted Mar 27, 2000
Think happy thoughts!
Now here you are with your faith and your Peter Pan advice...
Classic Krissy Posted Mar 27, 2000
*genuinely curious*
With what?
Now here you are with your faith and your Peter Pan advice...
bubster Posted Mar 27, 2000
With your faith and your Peter Pan advice! You HAVE to PAY atTENtion...
Now here you are with your faith and your Peter Pan advice...
an apple tree Posted Mar 27, 2000
and just what did attention ever do for krissy that she should be handing over her hard-earned, money-smelling dosh?
Now here you are with your faith and your Peter Pan advice...
beetle, return of Posted Mar 28, 2000
Dosh? Souns like some kind of sausage.
Now here you are with your faith and your Peter Pan advice...
Classic Krissy Posted Mar 28, 2000
Dosh... the boy who's grandfathers were named David and Josh.
Poor thing.
Now here you are with your faith and your Peter Pan advice...
an apple tree Posted Mar 29, 2000
mnhem hehe...there was this news reader!
and his name WAS EENUS!!!
his LAST name!
i don't think it was SPELT like that!!
but he SAID "good evening, i'm roger (or someone)eenus"!!
i think
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Now here you are with your faith and your Peter Pan advice...
- 1: what you know as km (Mar 9, 2000)
- 2: Classic Krissy (Mar 9, 2000)
- 3: beetle, return of (Mar 9, 2000)
- 4: Classic Krissy (Mar 9, 2000)
- 5: beetle, return of (Mar 10, 2000)
- 6: Classic Krissy (Mar 10, 2000)
- 7: beetle, return of (Mar 10, 2000)
- 8: Classic Krissy (Mar 11, 2000)
- 9: an apple tree (Mar 23, 2000)
- 10: Classic Krissy (Mar 23, 2000)
- 11: beetle, return of (Mar 24, 2000)
- 12: an apple tree (Mar 26, 2000)
- 13: Classic Krissy (Mar 27, 2000)
- 14: beetle, return of (Mar 27, 2000)
- 15: Classic Krissy (Mar 27, 2000)
- 16: bubster (Mar 27, 2000)
- 17: an apple tree (Mar 27, 2000)
- 18: beetle, return of (Mar 28, 2000)
- 19: Classic Krissy (Mar 28, 2000)
- 20: an apple tree (Mar 29, 2000)
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