This is the Message Centre for Nick O`Teen

Late Lunch

Post 21

Nick O`Teen

The eyebrow suggestion is revolting. smiley - smiley

No, it's not important. I'm just pointing out the interesting side-effects of the web. smiley - smiley

I'm far from bald, actually, or even going bald. I may predate calendars, but I still have my hair. Haven't tried dying it yet, though. smiley - smiley

Late Lunch

Post 22


Oh cheap shot smiley - smiley - it's not my fault a. I am going prematurely grey b. I am super vain.

I quite liked the eyebrow thing - could be an interesting development of facial hair fashions?

Late Lunch

Post 23

Nick O`Teen

The eyebrow thing? Fashionable? Eee-GAD! I would hope not! Blah! Oh, it makes me just shudder. Ick.

Late Lunch

Post 24


Ah, but when they are all the rage and you are combing your eyebrow up to meet your full and luxurious fringe I shall remind you of these words - and then who'd be laughing? smiley - smiley

Late Lunch

Post 25

Nick O`Teen

Everyone would be laughing. At me. smiley - smiley

Cripes, I'd look like a freak! This day will never come and if I'm wrong I'll eat my own eyebrow. smiley - smiley

Late Lunch

Post 26


Well, another attractive image there, Mr. Redford smiley - smiley

Late Lunch

Post 27

Nick O`Teen

That was a figment of mine own speech, whereas you're talking about some horrific fashion revolution. smiley - smiley

Late Lunch

Post 28


I think the facial hair revolution (or revulsion) will not be for a while though - these facial stick-in-the-muds who don't see excessive eyebrow growth as attractive smiley - smiley You never can tell though - I mean sideburns! handle-bar moustaches! big fuzzy beards! goatees! - you can't say that facial hair fashions have always been attractive and sensible smiley - smiley

Can you imagine a combination of handle-bar moustache and eyebrow/fringe? smiley - smiley

Late Lunch

Post 29

Nick O`Teen

I am reviled.

Late Lunch

Post 30


So you have 'attractive' facial hair already - or did you not mean to use 'reviled'?

Have you tried waxing?

Late Lunch

Post 31

Nick O`Teen

In an ironic twist to this conversation, the only facial hair I keep around is my eyebrows. smiley - smiley

Late Lunch

Post 32

Nick O`Teen

No, I meant to use 'reviled'. It was the thought of 'handle-bar eyebrows' that did it.

Late Lunch

Post 33


Then I don't think you meant to use 'reviled' - revolted perhaps, but reviled? it doesn't seem to make any sense.... (sorry)

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