This is the Message Centre for Miz307

Hello Miz........tis only I :-)

Post 281


hehe indeed! smiley - cheers

Hello Miz........tis only I :-)

Post 282


smiley - laughsmiley - spacethought not!!smiley - biggrin

Catch you later, ta ta! smiley - hugsmiley - smooch

Hello Miz........tis only I :-)

Post 283


Hiya, looks like the sound can't be fixed on this vid!! Seems it was a duff tape!smiley - sadface.

I shall get some new tapes next week and try again next time I go smiley - sorry

Hello Miz........tis only I :-)

Post 284


Hello there! i've just mailed you smiley - biggrin did you sleep ok? smiley - smiley

Hello Miz........tis only I :-)

Post 285


Hello, yes not too bad ta, how about you? smiley - hug

It was after 2am mind, smiley - biggrin

Hello Miz........tis only I :-)

Post 286


Yes fine thanx just catching up with mail, have been in touch with lil' maybe we can get this thing on the road (the article) smiley - smiley

Hello Miz........tis only I :-)

Post 287


See you soon smiley - hug

Hello Miz........tis only I :-)

Post 288


Great, not had mail yet, is it going to my Yahoo or msn addy?
That article is worth finishing, I had'nt looked at it till the other day and was pleased to see the help you were getting from Lil and Bel. It's a fascinating topic. You see the big issue sellers everyday, yet i had no idea how it started till now. hence, the Guide doing it's job, informing, educating and entertaining.smiley - smiley

It was nice to see TH so busy last nite , good fun.smiley - biggrin

Hello Miz........tis only I :-)

Post 289


Oooh caught me again, posted while I was typing..smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

see you later, ttfn smiley - hug

Hello Miz........tis only I :-)

Post 290


Err, your pretty eyes are on, that mean you are around then?smiley - biggrin

Bet I miss you by minutes again smiley - erm

Hope you are ok, I'm fair to middling as they say. Beard growing well.smiley - yikes I do let myself in for some silly ideas sometimes!!smiley - smiley

Hello Miz........tis only I :-)

Post 291


Hi there, so, so eh? So what's this beard growing all about then smiley - smiley

Hello Miz........tis only I :-)

Post 292


Oh a silly challenge by someone, don't like beards normally, so when the time limit is up it will be removed. smiley - biggrinsmiley - space[8 days to go, 14 days total for full beard.It's nearly at full growth now.smiley - yikes

Hello Miz........tis only I :-)

Post 293


Oh smiley - biggrin how your day been? smiley - smiley

Hello Miz........tis only I :-)

Post 294


very up and down really, been doing a bit of techie stuff on the laptop, sorting the wireless network link, failed miserably, wrong adaptor!smiley - doh Apart from that, normal sort of day really.

How's your day been?smiley - smiley

Hello Miz........tis only I :-)

Post 295


Ah right keeping busy then smiley - smiley Days been ok thanx plenty going on..smiley - smiley

Hello Miz........tis only I :-)

Post 296


Good show, shopping day for me tomorrow, bills to pay, usual stuff. Exciting life I lead eh?smiley - erm

Hello Miz........tis only I :-)

Post 297


oops, I've done it again look, you've gorn!! smiley - sadface

Catch you later.smiley - hug

Hello Miz........tis only I :-)

Post 298


Hi there, sorry i rushed off like that, hope you are ok smiley - smiley

Bye for now

Hello Miz........tis only I :-)

Post 299


Hello, no worries about disappearing, RL steps in at anytime and takes priority. So long as you're ok.smiley - oksmiley - hug

See you later perhaps.smiley - smiley

Hello Miz........tis only I :-)

Post 300


smiley - huhsmiley - spacemissed you again, it's no good you know, how can I use the phrase, "we're gonna have to stop meeting like this" when we ain't meeting?smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

Hope you have a good w/e, I'll look forward to hearing about it next week then.smiley - winkeyesmiley - biggrin

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