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Wurzel's Here.
airscotia-back by popular demand Started conversation Jan 30, 2006
And where do you hail from? With the amount of Arrrrrrrrrrr ing going on, i'm tempted to say somewhere on the Spanish Maine me hearty.
Wurzel's Here.
airscotia-back by popular demand Posted Jan 30, 2006
Watch where you're putting that hook too late.....
London? Wow, that's very cosmopolitan. Are you one of the rich jet set to be found walking their poodle through leafy Notting Hill?
Wurzel's Here.
Miz307 Posted Jan 30, 2006
LOL Fraid not! just a downtown girl..and i love accents..i have a corgy not a poodle..
So what's it like in oxforshire? squire..
Wurzel's Here.
airscotia-back by popular demand Posted Jan 30, 2006
A Corgi? There's lovely now.
Downtown London, hmmmmm, i presume you mean Sarf of the river then guv? How about Fulham?
Oxfordshire is very.......leafy, green, wet, and bloody taters at the moment.
Wurzel's Here.
Miz307 Posted Jan 30, 2006
Not quite Fulam but not far off..i do like to escape sometimes..don't we all..
I would love to carry on chatting but i have an early start and should of been in bed ages ago Look forward to chatting again sometime pop in anytime Wurz (gonna dream of him tonight)
Wurzel's Here.
airscotia-back by popular demand Posted Jan 30, 2006
Night then Miz.
I'll test my encyclopedic memory of London next time we talk.
^Says in his best Wurzel voice"
Cup of and a slice of
Aunt Sally?
Wurzel's Here.
airscotia-back by popular demand Posted Jan 31, 2006
How silly did i feel today when i remembered that Fulham ISN'T sarf of the river.
Near Fulham? Wouldn't be too far from Hammersmith then?
How's your day been?
Wurzel's Here.
Miz307 Posted Feb 1, 2006
Hi Wurz! erm.. aircosta ..i like you name..could you explain..(your name that is..
Anyhow i'm not around all the time..but now i'm here..Hi!
Now.. about London..well London's London really..good and bad..don't matter where you are.. Ideally i'd like to live in the country..
..but hey! i'd probably get bored..but i do enjoy a walk in the country..there's is a bit of greenland around here..nice parks..woodlands..having a dog..i get to do a bit of walking..
Anyhow me hearty..what is it you do when you not on here..?
Wurzel's Here.
airscotia-back by popular demand Posted Feb 1, 2006
Aircosta? That sounds like an airline that flies Coffee beans all over the world.
Airscotia however, is the name of the airline in the 90's Scottish comedy "The High Life". It was my favourite comedy of the time, very surreal and childish,which i thought suited me perfectly.
I love walking too, and we're blessed here with great walks including the Ridgeway path.
I know London REALLY well as i've spent 15 years as an HGV driver delivering to all parts of it. I now work for a very famous supermarket chain delivering to all the shops in south and west of London. Sooooooo there is a good chance i delivered your last lot of shopping.
As it's not Fulham or Hammersmith, my next guess would be......Putney?
Wurzel's Here.
Miz307 Posted Feb 2, 2006
Hi aircosta....i'm not telling..
So you are a driver are you..must be interesting....i would like to drive about all day..problem is..
..i can't drive..well i've tried..but not hard enough..
..didn't pass my test many moons ago..haqd three tries..
..don't laugh!
Do you have any pets Aircosta?
Wurzel's Here.
airscotia-back by popular demand Posted Feb 3, 2006
Hi Miz, i'm so inquisitive, it's cause i'm such a caring, sharing sort of chap. (or a nosy
3 attempts at the driving test isn't bad. I heard someone finally passed this year after 21 tests!!!! Now, i think i'd take that as andicator that they may be not TOO competant.
We've got guinea pigs, and sea monkies........low maintainance you see.
Wurzel's Here.
Miz307 Posted Feb 3, 2006
I'm following you just seen you on another thread
sea monkies eh? sound great, haven't come across them before..tell me more..
21 tests now that is worrying might get to take another one one day..
Wurzel's Here.
airscotia-back by popular demand Posted Feb 3, 2006
If you live in London i guess you can get by without a licence cos public transport exists. Out here in the stcks it'd take a day at least, and cost a fortune, to get to the local hospital, decent shops......anything really.
Sea Monkies are great fun You add this pacet of dust to some fresh water, and in a couple of days you get these little creatures swimming about. (They are feshwater shrimps apparently) You get to feed them.......and.......erm, well that's about it really.
Hows you today then Miz, not working today? Cold isn't it?
Wurzel's Here.
Miz307 Posted Feb 3, 2006
They sound great fun!! i'm ok having a break! been working in the cold today.. see i don't look good do i
loads more to do so won't be staying long..
How about you? not driving and typing i hope..
Wurzel's Here.
airscotia-back by popular demand Posted Feb 3, 2006
What have you been doing in the cold? Now you mention it, you do look a bit peaky, here have this and warm up.
No i can't multitask, that's what women are good at right. Got one day off this week, and it's today.
Off out to a comedy club tonight with a pal for some
Wurzel's Here.
Miz307 Posted Feb 3, 2006
Thanks..oh that's better!
Been supervising children at school where i work..
Oh lovely feel better already!
Me i've been supervising children..IN THE COLD..
Anyhow enjoy the rest of your day..and night should be a good night..
Might see you around at the weekend..if your on here of course..
Untill next time...SEE YA!
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Wurzel's Here.
- 1: airscotia-back by popular demand (Jan 30, 2006)
- 2: Miz307 (Jan 30, 2006)
- 3: airscotia-back by popular demand (Jan 30, 2006)
- 4: Miz307 (Jan 30, 2006)
- 5: airscotia-back by popular demand (Jan 30, 2006)
- 6: Miz307 (Jan 30, 2006)
- 7: airscotia-back by popular demand (Jan 30, 2006)
- 8: Miz307 (Jan 30, 2006)
- 9: airscotia-back by popular demand (Jan 30, 2006)
- 10: airscotia-back by popular demand (Jan 31, 2006)
- 11: Miz307 (Feb 1, 2006)
- 12: airscotia-back by popular demand (Feb 1, 2006)
- 13: Miz307 (Feb 2, 2006)
- 14: airscotia-back by popular demand (Feb 3, 2006)
- 15: Miz307 (Feb 3, 2006)
- 16: airscotia-back by popular demand (Feb 3, 2006)
- 17: Miz307 (Feb 3, 2006)
- 18: airscotia-back by popular demand (Feb 3, 2006)
- 19: Miz307 (Feb 3, 2006)
- 20: Miz307 (Feb 3, 2006)
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