Marital bliss Vs. The Death of You; conspicuous conflictions in a relationship

Having a wife could be the best thing that ever happened to you. But WAIT! Are you actually alive? Think about it for a while... If you are alive then you probably have nothing to worry about, but if your dead.... BEWARE! Marrage could harm you (well, not you.) your wife and the kids. Imagine for a while if you would... Your wife wants some food in the house so that they can all eat... But WAIT! Your dead! How can you work if your dead? Where is the food going to come from? Of couse your wife could always work... But WAIT! who then will look after the kids? Not you, your dead. Conumdrum. There are of course solutions... Get up out bead for a start. Get an education so that you can get that fabled job that your parants told you about and become socially active. I know that this last point is hard to understand, but it does make sence. Once all of this has benn completed - Get married! End.

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well better get used toit Aug 22, 2004


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Sex Apr 29, 1999 Sep 17, 2000
Aha, but then again not. Apr 29, 1999 May 6, 1999


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Bristol Cream

Researcher U25870


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