
  Conversation Title Latest Post Latest Reply
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A49441638 - Germany history. [8]No PostingMay 19, 2009
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A50825180 - Landmines: the Drinking Game [1]No PostingMay 3, 2009
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A50602259 - Victorias Railway [2]No PostingMay 2, 2009
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A33310450 - The Great Divorce, by C.S. Lewis [10]No PostingMay 1, 2009
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A50594727 - London Cabbies' Shelters [5]No PostingMay 1, 2009
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A45002567 - Little Richard [1]No PostingApr 30, 2009
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A49441278 - History. [3]No PostingApr 4, 2009
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A48280331 - Brideswell Palace, London. [8]No PostingMar 21, 2009
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A742033 - The Trinity - A Christian Belief? [6]No PostingMar 7, 2009
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A47724771 - Short Breaks in Paris [2]No PostingFeb 21, 2009
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A46433801 - What has happened to school history teaching? [2]No PostingJan 24, 2009
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A45844437 - shell's journey. [1]No PostingJan 11, 2009
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A45285906 - Gladiators [2]No PostingDec 28, 2008
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A20296299 - The European Witch craze of the Early Modern period. [13]No PostingDec 23, 2008
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A44440364 - Oliver Cromwell, by the Grace of God Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland [1]No PostingDec 6, 2008

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John Doe

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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