
  Conversation Title Latest Post Latest Reply
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A15985209 - Truth and Tolerance – Integrating Faith and Reason (Part 3) [18]No PostingJun 9, 2009
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A15985182 - Truth and Tolerance – Integrating Faith and Reason (Part 2) [22]No PostingJun 9, 2009
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A14630410 - Truth and Tolerance - Integrating Faith and Reason [121]No PostingJun 9, 2009
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A9630191 - Political Philosophy - Hobbes and the Socal Contract [19]No PostingJun 9, 2009
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A12847584 - Work in Progress Beers A Pint By Pint Guide [9]No PostingJun 8, 2009
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A51941153 - Validation [2]No PostingJun 8, 2009
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A32938842 - A History of the ABC News themes [10]No PostingMay 30, 2009
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A4130443 - Ridiculously Long Words in the English Language [15]No PostingMay 30, 2009
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A2451322 - Oliver Cromwell [17]No PostingMay 23, 2009
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A51834684 - My Adventure With Pokemon Episode 2 [6]No PostingMay 23, 2009
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A27291657 - The Gift of Inertial Exercise [6]No PostingMay 21, 2009
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A51463352 - My Adventure with Pokemon [5]No PostingMay 20, 2009
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A13334915 - The Wilderness Years of Adolf Hitler [10]No PostingMay 20, 2009
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A11303173 - From Backroom to Beerhall - Hitler's Munich Years [15]No PostingMay 20, 2009
Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A11914085 - Hitler's Health [15]No PostingMay 20, 2009

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John Doe

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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