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gandalfstwin OGGMSTKMBGSUIKWIATA Started conversation Jul 3, 2009
WanderingAlbatross, Hi
I have actually seen a Black Browed Albatross close to UK shores!!!
One 'attempted' to nest on Unst in the Shetlands in the 1970s. Unfortunately, his nearest prospective mate was 10,000 miles away!!
BTW. Bird on your Homepage is a North Atlantic Gannet. Can you not find an Albatross??
WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean. Posted Jul 8, 2009
Yes, that was Uncle Dilbert who was always a bit of a wanderer but never did get the hang of navigation
When the Suez canal was closed we used to get to the Far East via the Cape of Good Hope and were regularly escorted by Albatrosses.
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