White Box Syndrome and Beyond
I'm bored. So very bored. Bored is who i am. The name is Jagged - JAGGED JACK to be precise - and i have the attention span of a gnat. I have no idea what i am filling in or why i am filling it in. I lost interest ages ago. Am i supposed to be telling you who i am? Have i already done that? Who cares? Not me. There's this white box and it appears to be demanding to be filled in. So i will continue to fill it until it will allow me to fill it no more. White boxes have that affect on me. Once i'm caught up in a white box, i'm trapped. I've been trapped in this one for a couple of minutes now and i see no way out. If i'm not mistaken, there appears to be one of those up and downy type bars to the right of this box. Does that mean there's no end to this particualar box? Am i to spend the rest of my life imprisoned herein. Has anyone else noticed that the Internet has become little more than a series of white boxes demanding to be filled? Does anyone else get trapped inside them? Am i the only one who suffers from White Box Syndrome. Oh dear, the upy downy thing has expanded. Now there is a distinct possibility that this is one of those infinite white boxes. A box without end. A bit like a black hole, only nothing like one whatsoever. What i need is an escape route. Some way of distracting myself, so i can get out of here. I usually do this by doing impersonations of my favourite cullinders and screaming obscenities at passing artisans. However, the 'House Rules' allow me to do neither of these things. That leaves me with no other option than to be relevant, tasteful and witty. The 'House Rules' demand it and who am i to question the 'House'?Latest Messages
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what is erotic and what is pornographic? | Apr 16, 2006 |
Erotica/pornography. | Apr 23, 2004 |
Welcome to h2g2! | Sep 8, 2003 |
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