Myself Frank Mee.
Born in Stockton-on-Tees then County Durham on the 19th Feb 1929, the first boy born in the Robson maternity hospital since the new year followed one hour later by my best mate Dennis Goldsborough who died age 21 of cancer.
Brought up through depressive times I was lucky in that we had a smallholding with Pigs Hens Geese Rabbits a goat dogs and cats attached to our house. My Father a Haulage Contractor and Furniture remover was also a keen gardener, we had a large walled garden with fruit trees round the walls a greenhouse and large vegetable plots plus flowers. Being largely self sufficient we never really knew what it was like to have nothing as a lot of my school friends did. My Uncle Arthur Marsay was a farmer not too far from us they were mainly dairy and Aunt Mabel made her own butter and cheeses plus jams wines preserves so food was never a problem. To a lot of my friends it was and with Fathers on the dole before the war they struggled.
Growing up during the war was an experience you never forget and the events of that time are always fresh in my mind. My mother kept me at School until I was sixteen, most kids left at thirteen or so then, I went into the Army in 1947 and spent many years in service getting to the rank of WO1. My final years were with ICI, retiring from a staff position with good pensions to keep our standards up.
Married Joan, Eight children all doing very well indeed, Nine Grandchildren and one Great grandchild, we now sit back and enjoy them all. That wartime diet must have been very good for us as there are a lot of us WW2 kids around.
UPDATE 29th January 2006 Site closure.
As we near ARCHIVE date (31/01/06) I remind friends that I will be using the following forums:
Second World War :" >
/>This new site has been created by the "Gang of Four", namely (in Alphabetical order) Tom Canning,Peter Ghiringhelli,Ron Goldstein and Frank Mee and will be operative from the 1st of February 2006.
The site will hopefully cater for all those who have been using the existing BBC site for serious discussion and research into WW2. We also will try to answer serious questions and help students.
Old and new friends welcome.
Here I show an Index of all my stories. Start at the bottom of the list and work up.
From WW2: A4126961 Starting work in war time part five (May 28, 2005) Edit
From WW2: A3873873 Starting Work in Wartime - Chapter 4 (Apr 8, 2005) Edit
From WW2: A3872973 Starting Work in Wartime -Chapter Three (Apr 8, 2005) Edit
From WW2: A3869490 Starting Work in Wartime -Chapter Two (Apr 7, 2005) Edit
From WW2: A3869058 Starting Work in Wartime (Apr 7, 2005) Edit
From WW2: A3357812 Spam: Did It Save The Nation? (Dec 2, 2004) Edit
From WW2: A2638550 A peaceful Sunday Morning. (May 16, 2004) Edit
From WW2: A2267615 HMAS Sydney. (Feb 5, 2004) Edit
From WW2: A2041589 More Wartime Schooling (Nov 14, 2003) Edit
From WW2: A2017504 Joining Routine (Nov 11, 2003) Edit
From WW2: A2010213 Wartime Schooling in Stockton-on-Tees (Nov 10, 2003) Edit
From WW2: A1934958 More Active Army Cadet's (Oct 30, 2003) Edit
From WW2: A1930079 Active Army Cadets (Oct 29, 2003) Edit
From WW2: A1901819 Reluctant Private Evacuee. (Oct 20, 2003) Edit
From WW2: A1365419 Early Days (Oct 17, 2003) Edit
From WW2: A1361981 The Beginning. (Oct 16, 2003) Edit
From WW2: A1361963 The beginning. (Oct 16, 2003) Edit
From WW2: A1324090 The sky was black with planes (Oct 7, 2003) Edit
From WW2: A1323721 Busy Wartime River Tees (Oct 7, 2003) Edit
From WW2: A1316288 A Night at the pictures (Oct 2, 2003) Edit
From WW2: A1300465 Flaming Balloons (Sep 23, 2003) Edit
From WW2: A1282358 My Mother the War Worker (Sep 14, 2003) Edit
From WW2: A1250506 My Father the Fire Watcher
From WW2: A1169525 Myself Frank Mee. (Sep 8, 2003) Edit
From WW2: A1169101 The Day War Broke Out - Sunday Lunch and Sirens, Middlesbrough (Sep 7, 2003) Edit
As we near ARCHIVE date (31/01/06) I remind friends that I will be using the following forums:
Second World War :" >
/>This new site has been created by the "Gang of Four", namely (in Alphabetical order) Tom Canning,Peter Ghiringhelli,Ron Goldstein and Frank Mee and will be operative from the 1st of February 2006.
The site will hopefully cater for all those who have been using the existing BBC site for serious discussion and research into WW2. Old and new friends welcome.
GOODBY WW2 Peoples War, it has been fun and I met a lot of interesting people with good stories to tell, I will miss it.
Good by Staff and those now long gone who became friends, I will miss them too.
Signing off Frank Mee.
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My poem | Dec 14, 2005 |
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Dancing | Dec 31, 2005 | No Replies |
In touch again. | Dec 19, 2005 | No Replies |
My poem | No Posting | Dec 14, 2005 |
Belsen | Oct 29, 2005 | No Replies |
Re:6021622 | Oct 7, 2005 | No Replies |
Frank Mee Researcher 241911
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