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Anyone around in here?
Posted Jul 12, 2004
Sorry about the delay, now before I was so rudely interrupted by a year of my life...wassup!!
Pardon my absence from here, it's been a long time between drinks, and some strong ones at that, but what's been going on in here?
I've not had time to get back to h2g2, but there it is, and here I am. I've been thinking about things, and hopefully I'll maybe, just maybe get a little guide entry up and running in the near future. I did say near future - in my language that'll probably be a long time!
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Latest reply: Jul 12, 2004
Posted Sep 2, 2003
Am actually unsure about the Champions League item that I wrote. Thinking about sending it to Peer review, but just not sure.
Can anyone tell me how to get involved with the H2G2 'Post' magazine thing that I've been reading? Be interested to know.
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Latest reply: Sep 2, 2003
Monday Missive
Posted Sep 1, 2003
Man, what a weekend. After a weekend of partying, and watching the footy, I'm knackered.
I must admit that I aint a regular in the partying scene around here, but that in my opinion is what makes going out on those rare occasions that little bit special.
I sent an item through to collaborative writing guide and I'm just wondering now if I did the right thing.
What I do know is that Mondays are a heck of a lot quieter up here now that the schools are back. Apart from the grasscutters across the road, it's back to almost tranquil scenes around here.
And it's a sunny day outside. With some trees up the street rustling away, it is good to be in the room right now typing away with little distraction.
I wrote an article last night, and I just hope that it is alright. I might put it into peer review a little later or maybe send it in to the weekly post magazine.
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Latest reply: Sep 1, 2003
First post complete
Posted Aug 26, 2003
It took longer than I thought it would take. Nevertheless, nice to get it done and dusted, and now I can look forward to the rest of the night. Or evening. I'm just looking out the window, it's a beautiful night here. Bit nippy, but lovely otherwise!
Now.....where's the biscuits and tea.
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Latest reply: Aug 26, 2003
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