NOT THE CAPTAINS LOG: Logged in as Tartan Informer
AGE: 21-years-old (and a bit)
PLACE OF RESIDENCE: Lanarkshire, Scotland
DESCRIPTION: Single man(and proud of it), Cheeky fella with a lot to say. Whether it makes sense or not, is for you to decide. Once handsome, but filled out since then. (PS - since I did the intro, I've filled out even more!) Getting to grips with the internet. Again. To paraphrase a TV reporter's famous rant, "With sore feet, a big heart, single, no bros or sis's, bit fed up, really dreadfully fed up!"
Believed to be knowlegeable on a number of areas.
HOBBIES: Not many. Sports, especially football(albeit just watching), listening to music of various types, writing these articles, following current affairs, anything remotely interesting
AMBITIONS: To write something decent for this site, do a bit of travelling abroad, see the Scottish football and rugby teams actually win a significant game!
(In the time since I wrote this, the latter has happened - we beat Holland 1-0. Pity us, they took six off us a few days later.
BIZZARE FACT: Tend to play a lot of sports-related computer games - sports I often don't even like!
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Your entry has been submitted to 'Alternative Writing Worksh | Oct 31, 2003 |
Hi there you have just been ACEd.. | Aug 27, 2003 |
Researcher U239928
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