This is a Journal entry by Gaffer

Monday Missive

Post 1


Man, what a weekend. After a weekend of partying, and watching the footy, I'm knackered.
I must admit that I aint a regular in the partying scene around here, but that in my opinion is what makes going out on those rare occasions that little bit special.
I sent an item through to collaborative writing guide and I'm just wondering now if I did the right thing.
What I do know is that Mondays are a heck of a lot quieter up here now that the schools are back. Apart from the grasscutters across the road, it's back to almost tranquil scenes around here.
And it's a sunny day outside. With some trees up the street rustling away, it is good to be in the room right now typing away with little distraction.
I wrote an article last night, and I just hope that it is alright. I might put it into peer review a little later or maybe send it in to the weekly post magazine.

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Monday Missive

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