Introduction... Here we go:
Well.. uhm... well (again).. [Ok, ok. I'll stop that.:) I'll just write the usual stuff]
( here you have it.. just a bit furder down)
I (Christofer) am sitting in my home (in Sweden) and have just found this place (h2g2).
I have found this place because I'm turning into a bigger and bigger fan of Douglas Adams. This, somehow, led me here, and I hope to post something of interest to someone (or at least cause a laugh (a little one? A pretended one? A cough then??)).
Ok, that ought to do it for now.
-Aaah, a choice; let's see.. I'll try 'Classic GOO'.
Preview [click].
-Oooh, another choice; I'll leave it in plain text
Preview [click].
-Euugh, this has become silly.
And I'm done.
Well, it seemed funny when I wrote it. But don't worry I'll change it soon, promise)
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Hello There :) | Oct 2, 2003 |
Hi there, ___,,,^..^,,,___... | Sep 6, 2003 |
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
EE: forging a new community | No Posting | Feb 12, 2009 |
EE: Ethical dilemmas | No Posting | Dec 22, 2008 |
EE: un-ciao | No Posting | Aug 21, 2008 |
EE: Ciao | No Posting | Jan 28, 2008 |
5 Years of Existential Hootooism! | No Posting | Jul 11, 2007 |
Researcher U239792
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."