This is the Message Centre for Countess Freyja

Hey Alpha

Post 1

R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing]

Long time no speak,

You're into Rammstein then? You've got good taste in music. Aphex Twin too. Impressive.

Oh, I've been lurking around your space. Sorry *nervous grin*. Uhm, Rammstein *do* tour in England, but it won't be for a while I should think.

Urh, well. Ciao bambino.

Nate. E. Lee

[I'm now on happy pills so I'm pretty much back to normal after that bout of being a total c***]

Hey Alpha

Post 2

Countess Freyja

Heya smiley - smiley

Heh thanks smiley - smiley. Most people hate my music tastes or think theyre weird.

Lol no worries, i sometimes do that when I'm bored and no ones talking to me.

Ah OKies cool, I'll keep on looking at their website to see any tour dates

So, how's life with you?

Hey Alpha

Post 3

R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing]


Alpha, I think you're right. I saw the European tour dates and although they deemed Olso worthy of their attention, London and other English cities have been conveniently forgotten... *sigh* Shame, I was looking forward to it too. Parents offered a trip to Berlin in time to go, but I can't due to previous commitments.

*is cheerfully depressed*

Life's pretty good right now. Thanks for asking. And yourself?

Ah the people who say your taste in music is weird are probably sad dull little individuals who regard fcuk as haute couture... *spit* To me and my friends, your taste in music is pretty good, and take that as a compliment *grin*

Hey Alpha

Post 4

Countess Freyja

Aww man that sucks. But even if they were in England I wouldnt have been able to go smiley - sadface. One of my friends says that he may be going to Berlin to see them. Am really jealous.

Yeah, life's not too bad. Pretty boring. go back to school in a couple of weeks *shudders*

Hehe thanks dude smiley - smiley. I'm trying to convert some of my friends into metal but they're not having it. But I sent a few of my internet friends Nothingface and they all love them. So thats cool. I'm beginning to get into black metal now. Got some Cradle of Filth yesterday and one of my friends is gonna burn me some of his old Norweigan black metal CDs. Should be getting them on Saturday smiley - smiley

Hey Alpha

Post 5

R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing]

Why wouldn't you have been able to go? I don't suppose it's their reputation putting your parents off? I'm lucky my parents are pretty relaxed.

I'm getting GCSE results tommorow *faints* and back to school on the 2nd, which is rather lame.

Ah cool, if you like Norwegian metal, you should talk to Tilly, she's not big on it herself but she is pretty knowledgable on the subject being Norwegian herself, so do you like Mayhem then? I suppose that's the most obvious example... you should listen to Mortiis, mui bueno.

Hey Alpha

Post 6

Countess Freyja

Basically no one to go with. Both my brothers hate heavy metal and I can just imagine the embarassment of going with parents who also hate heavy metal. And I'm not old enough to go on my own or with friends. So Ijust have to wait. Oh well I suppose its better than being banned from going..

Oo good luck!! Hope you did well smiley - smiley.

I havent actully heard any Mayhem, but they may be in the CD collection that he's gonna burn for me. THe only Norweigan black metal band that I can think of right now are Darkthrone who are pretty cool. I've only heard one song of theirs though.

Hey Alpha

Post 7

R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing]

True. Well, going to concerts by yourself is pretty lame... How old do you have to be before you can go with friends?

I think the first real concert I went to by myself was a good few years back, Coldplay *gag* But hey, it was free! I'm lucky, I've befriended someone who gets free concert tickets. Sure the bands are pretty main stream but it's always fun. We've got tickets to see the Scissor Sisters... *hysterical laughter*

I did myself justice, if I do say so myself, I failed ICT though, I'm goddamn proud of my D... In my defence, our teacher died half way through the course and we didn't have a teacher for a good few months, hence not knowing 3/4 of the required material...

Hey Alpha

Post 8

Countess Freyja

Ermm not sure, think i have to wait another couple of years

Coolies. First person i ever saw live was *shudder* Darius *pukes up*. Didnt have to pay though, he was turning on the christmas lights. it was a few years back and i had a v crap taste in music. Last person I saw live was Roni Size, at Ashton Court. He was wicked. But I'm yet to see a live rock band..

Cool, well done. The fail is understandable if you missed out on a lot of stuff. How were your other subjects?

Hey Alpha

Post 9

R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing]

Darius! Hah! Sorry, I can't talk, I used to love Savage Garden and All Saints... plus there was a time when I thought Sum 41 were the coolest of the cool. Pathetic eh?

Well, I got an A* for English Literature, A for English language, A for Art, B for DT, B for something else and a few C's too... Meh, my friend got CCCCCCDEF, his marks make mine look spectacular.

Twas my friends party last night, James and the Giant Peach, extremely strong cocktails and The Prodigy don't mix. smiley - headhurts How was your evening?

Hey Alpha

Post 10

Countess Freyja

I even went out and got his album smiley - blush. Man I had the crappest taste in music a couple of years ago..

Woo well done!! Those are really good smiley - smiley

Lol sounds like fun. The Prodigy are cool. Do you like them? I really want their new album.

My evening was a bit boring, just went on computer and listened to music. Same as always really. Man what an eventful life I lead.. Still, should be going into town either Wednesday or Friday with a couple of friends. Yay.

Hey Alpha

Post 11

R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing]

Don't worry Alpha, you can put your traumatic past behind you now. Just deny it, if anyone mentions you liking Darius, lie for all you're worth.

I used to love The Prodigy when I was a tweenager, then hated them for a bit, and am now loving the new album. My friend copied it for me.

Nerp, my results are okay, but I did well in English, which is all that matters.

I'm going back to school on Thursday... Or rather '6th Form College'. *grins* I've just had a early driving lesson avec mon pater. One where I can't actually get in the drivers seat. Still, enjoyable none the less.

Hey Alpha

Post 12

Countess Freyja

Lol yeah. I need to get rid of all my old pop CDs. THink I can sell them on ebay or should i just chuck them out?

I only have one Prodigy album (Experience), from their rave days. Apparently they turned kinda punk though.. What's the new album like?

Aww poor you. I go back to school on the 8th. Am dreading it. Need to do some serious shopping before I go back.

Coolies, how are they going? I cant wait to drive, looks really fun. Hehe.

Hey Alpha

Post 13

R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing]

I think I might actually be insane... I'm getting excited about sorting out my pencil case *erm* No doubt I'll draw on it and generally ruin it within 10 seconds of getting through the school gates.

The new album is very good, in parts it reminded me of The EMBLD, tres electro. Yeah, it's actually really good. I don't think it's an album that has lasting power on me, I know I'd listen to it solidly for a week then probably never pick it up again (see previous impulse buys like Cooper Temple Clause, Avalanches and Muse's 'Absolution')

Lessons are going pretty well, I've managed to work out how to change gears, why and when I should change gears, how the clutch works and why it's a good idea to pay attention to what you're putting in the tank... and other such cal. I need to know this anyway, I'm getting my car tommorow. Not wishing to sound spoilt, it might be a good time to add it was a gift from my Dad's friend, it's old, black, a wreck and completely free. Gee, I'm buzzing. *shakes and falls over*

Hey Alpha

Post 14

Countess Freyja

Lmao! I need a new pencil case.. some bastard stole my school bag that had all my stationary and stuff in it. still, i suppose itsnot all bad, gives me an excuse to get a new bag and pencil case and stuff.

Wicked!! I'll see if I can get it cheaply somewhere. I'm having a major CD splurge this holiday. Have spent so much on CDs, like over £100.

Lol cool. Oo lucky. I love black cars. We have a bright red one *shudders*

Hey Alpha

Post 15

R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing]

Why the hell would someone steal your school bag... I mean how low is that. Where'd they nick it? Presumably at school? Ah well, you're right. New school stuff. Wahey!

Yay, school stuff. I have a pretty decent bag this year, I'll tell you how sad I am, I bought a bag that I saw in Saga magazine *inane grin* Well, it's better than that manky quicksilver rucksack which I butchered with a pair of scissors last year, yet not as good as the Emily Strange one of two years ago.

Lucky you, wish I could have a CD splurge. I'm attempting to save up for Reading 2005, the only year left I will be able to go as a visitor and not an employee.

Our car's red too, but it's a Skoda, *grin* they rock, (how many people would say that about a Skoda) which more than makes up for the colour.

Hey Alpha

Post 16

Countess Freyja

They broke into our house and just grabbed my school bag and my parents briefcases. Presumably looking for money.. Then they chucked my school bag in a skip and now it and its contents stink of ammonia

Lol whats the bag like?

This has been the first time i've done a proper splurge. I had £70 at the start of holidays, I have about £50 now, but i've been doing bits of work in the shop and stuff, and i'm gonna start getting an allowance as of Wednesday. Yay.

Man I'm happy ,i managed to sort out the computer sound :D:D:D:D Am listening to Her Ghost In THe Fog atm. Man I misssed this track

Hey Alpha

Post 17

R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing]

Ugh that sucks. It's a f*cking pain when bastards break into your house.
I remember when someone tried to nick our old car when we lived in Cental London, my Dad went outside just in his jeans and started yelling at this bloke, who practically wet himself and started shoving money over the car bonnet going "Gee sorry mate, you know how it is, heh... uhm, heh..." then made a break for it.

Awh, my friend is sitting in the living room while her Brother is having sex with his Girlfriend upstairs, poor girl. She really wants to leave but can't. Hah. MSN rocks.

My bag is plastic. Has pockets so you can put stuff in it. Hard to describe... Uhm, this is it.. It looks really sad and girly but I've replaced Vogue front covers *gag* with pictures of Till Lindemann, Go-Go Yubari, Jack Skellington and concert tickets *grin*

Ugh lucky you, getting a regular allowance. Damn you!

Hey Alpha

Post 18

Countess Freyja

I suppose thats not too bad, cos at least he didnt nick it, and you got some money as well..

aww man poor her!! still, if i could hear people having sex i'd probably be getting v horny.. hehe

Lol interesting bag.. Doesnt look all that great there but with those pictures it could look pretty cool

Hey Alpha

Post 19

R.G.W - And at no point during this outing did I run the risk of being cool... [temporarily or possibly permanently missing]

Ah we would have got the money, if he hadn't snatched it back before he legged it...

Trust me, if you saw her brother I don't think you'd be that enthusiastic *shudder* Besides, I'm not sure about you but the sound of my brother (let us pretend for the moment that I have one) doing it upstairs wouldn't exactly be music to my ears.

I'm printing out pictures to put in it, am contemplating a Boohbah one... (Yes, I'm sad, but at least I acknowledge it.)

I don't suppose you've ever seen Boohbah have you? If so, you poor thing.

Hey Alpha

Post 20

Countess Freyja

Ah oki.. little bastard dude

Lol ah well, i can get turned on by the strangest things..

No, what's Boobah?

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Hey Alpha

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