Journal Entries

Warhammer update.

My Sparta entrey is on its way. This is in no way influenced by the assessment for communication key skills i have coming up. I dont think the librarians going to be too happy with me about the amount of stuff i printed off. Ah well.

Also I've decided to add a new part to my journal entries called warhammer update. This will be mainly for saturday journal enteries. So here's the first.

Warhammer update:
In todays Random mass melee battle i came third. The random mass melee battle entails that each player has 3 seperate units of 350 points. This can include any charecters and can be just a charecter and his mount if need be. Each of these units comes on randomly from the second turn onwards from a randomly determined table edge. My small empire force consisted of a unit of swordsmen led by a warrior preist (1st unit) a unit of 5 knights of the inner circle and a mounted warrior preist (2nd unit) and 10 free company lead by a warrior preist, along with 10 archers (3rd unit/s) All went well uptil the very end. All that was left of my 3 opponent armies were 6 swordmasters and commander, and a unit of ten silver helms (one player had already knocked out). Then total disaster. My archers fled the silver helms charge and ran 3", getting slaughtered. The silver helms then over ran into the swordsmen, who lost combat by 1. They then legged it which left only my knights left, who were then battered by the silver helms. In return i killed a single silver helm. 1050 points of empire soldiers killed a single silver helm. Maybe next week, when the size of units goes upto 500 points. I think i want a mortar!

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Latest reply: Nov 15, 2003

Why Friday is my lucky day

On friday i bought red dwarf series 3 on dvd. Being well chuffed i went back to college... and was told, by my english teacher that:
'Were going to see a realisation and visualisation of the dystopian novel for free' aka were going to watch matrix revolutions.

A lot of people thought this movie was rubbish, but personally i think its ace. It finished the matrix exactly as it should have. As anyone who's seen the animatrix renaisance (or remembers morpheus telling neo in the first film), you'll know that the machines wanted peace all along, where as the human leaders were more concerned with profit.Technically its also good, and isnt stuffed full of bullet time like i think many people expected.
I can also see that some people didn't like the unanswered questions. If you watch it on its own, then you probibly wont like it, but as a trilogy it fits perfectly, but as a stand alone film i can understand the critisim, even though i dont agree with it.

Anyway, when i came out i dropped my bus ticket. Going back to find it i found twenty quid. Win some lose some.

Thats why fridays are lucky.

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Latest reply: Nov 8, 2003


Some one has broke into my hotmail account.
Its okay though, because when i find the person who did this im going to kill them.
Now reading that, you all probibly think i mean all do something petty or pathetic. I dont care. The moment i find out who it is im going to kill them.
I so hope they read this.

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Latest reply: Oct 28, 2003

Going it alone

Im a big fan of the film equilibrium, and im thinking about turning it into an rpg for h2g2. Having played in the jedi academy rpg for a good few months, and found it fantastic, i wouldnt mind trying my hand at something new. The best bet then seems to build my own game, as i dont think anybody's made anything similar so far.

For those of you unfamiliar with equilibrium then its like a cross between the matrix and 1984 by george orwell. Basically, the main charecter hunts down sense offenders- people who have feelings - and these people are hnted down etc etc

God knows how im going to do it, or how im going to think of story lines. Perhaps changing it round so that the players are the sense offenders would be easier, but who knows.
Any suggestions or words of advice are welcome.

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Latest reply: Oct 25, 2003


Its fixed i can use h2g2 again yay!
Normal service will resume shortly!

Much thanks and sticks and chocloate and ice cream goes to psycorp603 who helped! Thanks, i can now continue to hunt u down!

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Latest reply: Oct 16, 2003

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Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

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