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Last day..

Ah..last day of the holidays for me today.

A whole new year, new social order, new teachers, new lessons...i am so screwed.

A time to think back about waht i did during the holidays...and come to think of it i did nothing, i stayed in my backgarden with my friends and drank loads of Vimto...that was about it an it was pretty dam good..jus goes to show simple things make you happy in the weirdest ways...smiley - smiley...*ponders*

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Latest reply: Sep 1, 2003


Hey everyone! im real sorry for not bein on for a while! ive just been really busy! not that any of you noticed but even still.. Im back now smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Aug 28, 2003


I was talking to my friend sara before about death and such,
(Saras a good friend whom is in the same year/grade as me, shes on of the ppl i have deabates with) and the topic of Euthanasia arose, and we were talking for a while about it, and we came to a agree ment, if there is infact anyone readin this aside from man on mars or the other guy, but even still i like to know all your opinions on the matter.

Now from my own expeirience of my father being terminally Ill from cancer around his body and it got to the point where he was in so much pain, and as i was only 10 i did not understand or wasnt 'conscience' of waht was going on, but over the past few years i have been wondering wether Euthanasia would of been the best option for him, in my opinion i think it would of been although im not sure about different situations, Should it be leagel or shouldnt it? or in some situations?

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Latest reply: Aug 10, 2003

Part2: Goths Vs Townies

In A recent posting i recived by Pimms, He suggested i give 'information' to the older generation about the 'goths' and 'townies' and quite frankly i thought it was a pretty good idea, So:

Todays genertaion of children (i have to admit) are most likely alot more voilent and competitive then the older generation used to be,
and different sterotypes have emerged, The streptypes are Goth, Townie and 'Protectee'
Now in general most people in the ages of 12 to 18 fit in to one of the above streptype, However the 'Protectee' is not a streotype that many people know as there is no 'offical' name for it so i only feel i must explain these different streotypes, And for the record i dont mean to offend any people by the streotyping.
anyway, here are my interpretations of the 'groups'

The Protectee

This is just a name that me and my fellow friends call this 'class' of person because we all think that they deserve a name.
The protectee is a person that is around the age of 9 to 14, there are a range of reasons for them being streotyped as a protectee.
There are two types of protectee both of which are teh same name - pretectee. The first type is the person who is not mentally matrue enough to make their own descions or are givin responsablity of their own actions. The second streotype is the more 'advanced' version of the first type of protectee, the difference being that the second type of protectees are givin partial abilty to decide for themselves and the streotype is them walking around a Mall/Shopping centre with 'Daddys Debit Card' and "Needing" the new FCUK top, also the type tend to be Female but its jsut a streotype. you could recognise
them by infact them wearing that top your little sister just bought or the reason why you have no money in your wallet and your daughters looking 'kool'

The Goth

The Goth is the universally known term altougth i imagine the class would be known as 'alternative' so ill call the class that because Goth is its own branch of alternative
In the term alternative there are 3 branches there is 'mosher' 'Goth' and the alternative protectee which has just confuzzed you all.
The goth is a very 'hardcore' alternative you could recognise the Goth wearing a dog coller and white makup.
The mosher is the lighter ideal of the Goth, these are known by differnt names depending on which are you are in, you could recognise
a mosher by the baggy pants, the earings and the bands around his/her arm, no colour can really be defined as bright colours are used alot in the mosher culture.
The Protectee alternative is the very young mosher around the age of 10 to 12 year of age these are just coming of listening to Pop music to Pop/Rock Such as 'Avril Lavgine' and 'Busted' and tend to wear clothes with pictures of there Idols on their shirts.
You can find any of the above sat down in the large grassy areas away from any kind of shops or Townies....

The Townie

The Townie is the opposite of the The alternative's, infact they are rivals, which is the reason why im writing this to explain the differnces...
Townies are known by many names which like the alternative range vary, around our area they are known by 'Scallies' and london the are known as Townies. There are no branches to the Townies only there are female and male version of them, whereas in the alternative culture males and females wear the same things but in the townie culture they do not. Townies are streptyped to listen to RnB and Rap music but it is not just a streotype because in face they do.
Male Townies in general care about their 'reputation' around there area and how 'hard' they are which basiclly means them being the Alpha Male in the area, they usally wear 'hoodies' (a pullover with
an attached hood with various makes such as Nike and Puma)
The Female townie doe not often wear pants, they noramlly wear
mini-skirts and low cut tops,
You can find scallys by looking out of your window at 2:30 in the morning yelling on your nearest corner...yes that is them...

And that was a SIMPLE explantion of the Townie Vs Goth and looking back i do have to say sorry because i have mentioned my own opinion or at least dropped hints and i shouldnt have when doing a peice that informative such as this.
If this has confussed you in any way then leave a message to me an ill try and correct my mistake.
I hope this has kind of enlightend you of the matter of Goth Vs Townie

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Latest reply: Aug 10, 2003

Best film..

I have to say, you can watch the sawshank redemption 15 tiems nad it still doenst get boring

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Latest reply: Aug 9, 2003

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