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MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship. Posted Dec 18, 2005
Hi LS, thanks for popping around.
>>Any particular reason?<<
Nothing I can really put my finger on, and I should have grown out of past upsets by now.
I think it is the pure greed and avarice that gets me, and the false Bon Hommie being spread so thickly. People who wish each other Happy Christmas, yet are totally at each others' throats the rest of the year.
It could also be that, working in retail, Christmas starts in September, so by the time Christmas arrives I've had enough. It is also the busiest trading period, so everyone at work is getting tetchy and tired. Tensions running high, it is like working in a pressure cooker.
Also it is a time when families are thrown together with nowhere to hide...
All in all, what is 'Happy' and 'Merry' about it?
Roll on New Year...
Sorry LS, didn't mean to paint a picture. Just the way I am feeling at the moment. Eight days time and it'll be gone, as per usual. Plus I have the London Meet to look forward to. Maybe next year will be a good one? Who knows.
Take care... and thanks again...
Beatrice Posted Dec 19, 2005
Oh let it all out, better that way!
Christmas shopping is one thing I try to avoid like the proverbial plague...I sympathise with there being no escape in retail!God bless Amazon.
The other thing that really annoys me about Christmas is that it's non-negotiable. You can't not do it. Or have it on a different date.
But there's loads of bits I do like, so I concentrate on home-made mince pies, carol concerts and cosy fires. (Not all at once...although actually, at my son's very Hogwartty school yesterday they did all co-incide)
Dearie me, I appear to have turned into Julie Andrews!
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens...
MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship. Posted Dec 19, 2005
Thanks LS, that cheered me up a bit. I particularly liked the
>>The other thing that really annoys me about Christmas is that it's non-negotiable. You can't not do it. Or have it on a different date.<<
I've always fancied that, since my teens. I'd rather w*rk *xc*ssm*s and have a couple of days celebration in June, when it is much quieter. Maybe the best would be January, when I can really maximise my currency by shopping in the sales. My Mum tends do quite well as her birthday is New Year's Eve.
The other part that frustrates me is when customers want something delivered at this time. They always complain that, as it is likely to be a week day, don't we realise that 'Some people actually work????' or that they have other things to do at this time of year.
As if we don't? No two week holiday here to go out parting! I appreciate that I chose retail, but it would be pleasant if people realised we are human too.
The worst is going to be the 27th when all those items that have broken or are wrong come back and, of course, it is our fault that their Christmas has been ruined.
I think I'll just hibernate, and resurface when it is all over....
I hope that you and your Son have a good time.
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