
A potted history for those I've still to meet.

Born (says it all I think)
Went to school and learned to smoke.
Got a job (every company I've worked for has gone down the pan - coincidence ?)

In short, I know next to damn all about lots of things. ('nuff said?)

For those of you who are still here.......

A lot of that time was really spent in trying to get a grounding in electronics (no pun intended) because that was the direction everything was moving in and seemed to be where the money was. The computer bug bit me whilst I was involved in trying to get a state of the art 8-bit machine to work in an aircraft. It was downhill from there. Firstly the Acorn Atom then the Atari ST and finally building then constantly repairing and upgrading a PC.

There was a brief but thoroughly enjoyable foray into the world of scuba diving. Unfortunately this took place around the Scottish coasts and inland lochs. None of your crystal-clear Mediterranian or shark-infested Aussie waters for this boy..

I Survived Single Sign-onDoes just what it says on the tinYou really have to learn to close the tags.




People United in Defence of Depression, Irritability and Natural Grumpiness.

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