#Angel#'s here !!!!!

hiya all angel this is #Angel# from yoome2 aka angel with a tarnished halo from ld angel
likes include:
line-dancing <Yee-Hah!!!>;
writing poetry artist;
my kids sometimes !!! lol !!!!;
and my fella #CARTMAN# lovedevillove !!
well when he isnt winding me upjester
which is all the timeclown
but guess i'm just a glutton for punishment lol blackcat
horror books
steven king anne rice and james herbert and peter straub dean koontz etc etc etc
videos dvd's cinema music dancing
pet hates:
cruelty of all kinds!
know it alls who are vastly misinformed !!!!!!
and computer games music arrrrrrggghhhhh lol !!!


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