This is the Message Centre for Agapanthus

NaNoo, NaNoo

Post 21

You can call me TC

Quite fascinating - I have often heard authors saying that the characters have minds of their own. if this carries on, the book will write itself - you'll just have to keep the minutes. Sounds easy smiley - tongueincheek

NaNoo, NaNoo

Post 22

Santragenius V

smiley - rofl

NaNoo, NaNoo

Post 23

Titania (gone for lunch)

smiley - biggrin

NaNoo, NaNoo

Post 24

Titania (gone for lunch)

They don't though - the chracters, I mean - mine never ever behave the way I expected them to, no matter how simple minded I tried to make them.

NaNoo, NaNoo

Post 25

SashaQ - happysad

"And I still haven't got them all on board the bally ship"

That's good, in my humble opinion smiley - laugh - this weekend I managed to get my character to do their adventure just as I had planned it (even though the writing was pretty drivelling at most times, at least it was words that all count) then I galloped into the ending and triumphantly did a word count... and I had 10,000 words in the whole thing.

Today's task is to go back to the beginning and start inserting paragraphs between the paragraphs I have already written in an attempt to extend this adventure by 4 times as much again... Good job the month is still young, as it may take me some time...

smiley - cheerssmiley - goodluck

NaNoo, NaNoo

Post 26

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

smiley - biggrin

All the stuff I was expecting to have dealt with on day one is only just wrapping up and leading into the actual plot... this is slightly helped by deliberate use of Lots Of Exposition to bolster my wordcount.

Maybe I could introduce a Deanna Troi character who can ask stupid questions and make banal similies for the benefit of the Audience At Home. (For those who don't follow me on Facebook: I do not like Deanna Troi)

NaNoo, NaNoo

Post 27


467 words today smiley - wah. +6739 = 7206.

NaNoo, NaNoo

Post 28


More coffee! More talking about girls! Quick!

NaNoo, NaNoo

Post 29


1908 words last night. 1908+7206 = 9114. Better. Included surprise (to me) attempt at poisoning and some truly dreadful cocktails.

NaNoo, NaNoo

Post 30

Titania (gone for lunch)

smiley - cappuccino

NaNoo, NaNoo

Post 31


838 words. Hard day at work, you see. Current total, 9952. I am a little, but not, I think, catastrophically (yet), behind.

NaNoo, NaNoo

Post 32


Whole day off work. You'd think I could've spent it writing like the wind. As it was, I felt so ill I lay in a heap under the duvet, surrounded by hotwaterbottles, and concentrating very hard on whether I was going to throw up or not. And I know that by being ill today I have totally left a bunch of colleagues in the lurch and made their life harder. I hate this body sometimes. I hate it very much. But the warranty has expired and I'm stuck with it.

NaNoo, NaNoo

Post 33


After several days of Unwellness, I am writing again. 2580 words today. Grand total now stands at 12'532. Which is, now that I look at it, quite a lot of words. Even my dissertation that took months was only about 17'000. OK, so they were 17'000 words of polished gold and this lot is very much of the earth, earthy, but I'll take it.

NaNoo, NaNoo

Post 34

SashaQ - happysad

smiley - ok

smiley - teasmiley - cake

NaNoo, NaNoo

Post 35


I am now VERY behind on my NaNoNovel, so I am going to go on a Kill All The Mary Sues frenzied spree and also possibly write 'I am a fish' 12500 times.

NaNoo, NaNoo

Post 36

Titania (gone for lunch)

In Bubblish?smiley - bigeyes

smiley - fish
.oo.. ..oO..OO.. ..oO..

NaNoo, NaNoo

Post 37

Milla, h2g2 Operations

Didn't those bubblish speakers actually use the bubbles as Morse code, so that it was actually real conversations?

smiley - towel

NaNoo, NaNoo

Post 38

Titania (gone for lunch)

NaNoo, NaNoo

Post 39


.oOO..oooo..oO..O.. ..oOO..oooo..OoOO.. ..oO..OO.. ..oo.. ..Ooo..OOO..oo..Oo..OOo.. ..OOO..ooOo.. ..oOO..oOo..oo..O..oo..Oo..OOo.?.

NaNoo, NaNoo

Post 40


Anyway, 3801 words last night. Standing at 16'334.

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