This is the Message Centre for Pinky

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 161

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinks
looks like another day in, it will depend on my mate, when he rings later.
i need a new security light, water with the strong downpour as made the adjustment setting for time is on, short out, it wont go off. ive unplugged from the wall socket.
after a year of who as to fix the bad paintwork on the ruddy walls,ive just had a call that the ex housing, now renamed "again" communities, will be sorting it.when they dont know.
smiley - dragon jimbob xx

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 162


Hello Jim,I can't believe it.They've changed their name now ? Communities ? What does that mean ? Why can't people just do their work ,and stop changing things ? It's getting worse Jim .Hope you get your security light sorted out soon . Thinking of you ,love Pinks XXX

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 163

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinks
the housing as it was, as been a trust, and now communities.
i went to a euro park near me yesterday, there is an ex-chainstore place, i got a box with two large, brand new sec lights, for £10, the normal price in some places is, £11-99 for one. and i got fed up of having to get off the sofa to pull the cord for the light in the livingroom, to use the k/board at night.
so for £2, i got two press, stickon three section lights, and they are behind me on the wall, so if i want to use the emails or h2g2, i just press one(the other is for backup re battries).
ive decided to move the light down and into the middle if the front windows, on the wall, and move the camera from my front bedroom, to the small one over the front door, and have it hanging down in the window, and angle slightly to the right to the garden.the extra hight and the repositioning will give me more range towards the left from inside,
need to get the hammerdrill and a masonry drill from a mate.
smiley - dragon jimbob xx

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 164


Hello Jim ,YES,I'm still here ,sorry I've not been around ,it's that time of the year again for me ,work and Xmas ...a nightmare ! Hope your ok ,and keeping warm ? Hope to chat with you very soon .Love Pinks XXX

jimcracker,prof, and pinky/fly

Post 165

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi pinky
its the old fiasco with me, still getting things n the house done, but if one thing needs doing another does.
front lock was sticking, and both had to be change, this room im in had to have parts of the wall redone, same in the beedroom, and the ruddy bedroom ceiling had to be redone.
now we have the snow, so im going to be stuck in more, and the cyber will be shut most of xmas and the new year.
then after xmas, the new signin will wipe the digi link, and i,ll have to use the cyber or library.
what an end to this year, and bad start to the next lol smiley - dragon jimbob xx

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