This is the Message Centre for Pinky

hi pinky

Post 1201

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi prof
give up, you,ll have me getting a swelled head,but your right, ive been on tw for over 5 years now, and no matter what tw or h2 throw at me,i find a way back.smiley - discojim

hi pinky

Post 1202

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

as a friend of mine, a Mr Punch would say "that's the way to do it"

hi pinky

Post 1203

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi all
i must be dreaming, or tw as put the dna back on the emails.
i got on the h2 with full page in pic and color,
its the first time in ages since i saw my space in full.but how long will it last lolsmiley - discojim

hi pinky

Post 1204

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Mornin Jim... smiley - hug
Colour??? Wots I'm still in text only mode.. smiley - sadface Not fair.. smiley - tongueout

hi pinky

Post 1205

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi shel anyone on digi
go to the bottom of the my space your on, and click the change to graphics link(not the text one, and it should be in full page mode, i dont know if it for a few hours or tw as boobedsmiley - discojimxx

hi pinky

Post 1206

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

rain againsmiley - laughshortage! What shortage!

hi pinky

Post 1207

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi prof
ive been busy for hours, sorting messages to let people know that the graphics are back on our link,still no internet bits work, and some pics are absent.
but smileys and most links are ok,
can see who,s on line, but pc users are still outside the freinds list acsess.but cant complain lol.
ive had rain all day, its just gone very dark here, could be a big storm on the waysmiley - discojim

hi pinky

Post 1208

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

smiley - laugh3023 researchers on line at the moment, but I don't think any of our friends are on, I've not seen their "eyes" lit

hi pinky

Post 1209

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi prof
the page in full is still here and its after the witching hour,lol
i have a direct link to the spaces, but till im sure its staying a bit, im not emailing it outsmiley - discojim

hi pinky

Post 1210

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

Paganmoon is chuffed, she can see smilies etc, good on yer my friend, you keep a lot of people on hootoo, because of your skills

hi pinky

Post 1211

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi prof
glad i can get them on the h2
but im not a happy bunny,ive just had the results of the tests for th ringing and pulsating of my ears.
apparently when i fell on the stairs a month or so back, i must have hit the floor with my left ear, and now its damaged, but in the month ive waited(my fault)its become imflamed,and till the swelling inside the ear goes down i,ll have problems with balance and headackes, and worse the ruddy ringing.
till the swelling goes down the doc cant see what damage there is to the inner ear,to give you an idea how much sound loss i have, i set my speakers balance nearly over to the left to equalize the sound, setting are 10-10+,the left is -3 from centre.
im having a real bad year all round,smiley - discojim
the tablets are serc-16, and eardrops as well.

hi pinky

Post 1212

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

just take it easy Jim! and don't try pounding sound in to your ear, it will slow down recovery

hi pinky

Post 1213

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi prof
ive warned ratface to keep the sound and music down, lets see if as they say, its falls on deaf ears.
this morning i got up at 7-30am, i needed the loo, i smelt burning, i went downstairs, no sign of anything on the stove, then i saw the pan, it was about 2 inches of horrible black yuck
he had been doing rice, but he never puts enough water in the ruddy pan,so it soaked up, and he burned another pan, yep hes done two non-stick
ive had to use a metal cleaning tool of the mains to get the yuck off, then a good rub with emery papaer.smiley - discojim

hi pinky

Post 1214

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Evenin folks... smiley - hugs
Jim, sorry to hear about your tinitus luv, but at least now you know the cause and hopefully it can be sorted..
Me mam's had tinitus for years, no cause found and nowt'll clear it, she just has to live wi' it.. smiley - sadface

Hi Animal...

hi pinky

Post 1215

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Oops, forgot to say, "Hi Pinky"... smiley - hugsmiley - biggrin

hi pinky

Post 1216

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi prof
talking of pinky, she is missing the fun, its still full h2g2
well im two days into the tablets and drops,so only another two weeks, and back for the resultssmiley - discojim

hi pinky

Post 1217

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

make ratface cough up more house keeping money, or find another placesmiley - evilgrinyet another dig at him to move

hi pinky

Post 1218

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi prof
he didnt put the music on last night, so i might have finaly got throgh to him,lol
he,s at work till after 10pm,so its peacefull from 1-30am to then.
taking tabs im used to, but drops in the ears, yuck,and i have to do it 4 times a day, two drops, lolsmiley - discojim

hi pinky

Post 1219

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

opps that 1-30pm lmaosmiley - disco

hi pinky

Post 1220

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

mmmh! drops in the ear puts you back 12 hours then smiley - laughgo careful, you could lose an whole daysmiley - winkeye

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hi pinky

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