This is the Message Centre for Pinky

hi pinky

Post 1121

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

we're safe then, can't blame ussmiley - laugh

hi pinky

Post 1122

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Well someone would have had t' put us up to it... smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

hi pinky

Post 1123


Well it wasn't me ! Would I ? Get you two accused falsely ,I don't think so !! hahahhahaha Hi All,sorry you had a bad night Jim,hot chocolate for you at bedtime from now on OK ? And Iain,you shouldn't drink alone either (you never told me you had Buds !) See you All soon Love Pinky xxxxx

hi pinky

Post 1124

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi all
looks like four walls again today, its peeing down.
i was planning to go to the local diy for a freind, he wants a end cap to seal off the old gas pipe to the fireplace.well it cleared up yesterday so it could do it again,lol.
hi prof
ive got another 5 sets of 3 for tonight, could be the night that i get the elusive win,lolsmiley - disco
have you recovered yet from the hol, or are you planning another to get over the first lol.smiley - discojimbobxxxxx
hey shel
if you still have my number,you can give me a tinkle,would be like old times,lol.smiley - discojimxxxx

hi pinky

Post 1125

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

it was like this osifer, the rain was falling in a downward manner and not wanting to get my one soliary strand of hair wet, stayed in. I to was going in to town, but no chancesmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

hi pinky

Post 1126

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi prof
i managed to get to town and get the plug for my mate.
its just started to rain again,so im in for the rest of the day,after i go next door with alan,s part.
smiley - discojim

hi pinky

Post 1127

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

we're getting sun then rain, sun then rainsmiley - laughgot to go back in town tomorrow, as forgot to do somethingsmiley - erm

hi pinky

Post 1128

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

no where near Jim, hope you had better luck mate

hi pinky

Post 1129


Hi Everyone,hope your all OK ? Your right Jim,I NEED another holiday desperately now hahahahhaha Plus,I've got post holiday blues ! It was lovely here in sunny Blackpool yesterday,warmish too ! Would you or Prof please hurry up and win something ? Then we can ALL go away for a holiday OK ? hahahahha See you soon.Love Pinky xxxx

hi pinky

Post 1130

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

when you say buds i ask green ones or cold ones

hi pinky

Post 1131

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi all
getting a bit worried,ive had another bad night, at 10pm last night i had a dozzie of an headacke.and a mild dizzy spell.
ah put it down to the weird weather playing with my mitabalisum(my spelling).
hi prof
havent even checked the tickets, will look later, but dont expect to have won.lolsmiley - disco
the lady i email in sheffield as dissapeared,i havent heard from her since before you think my life is falling apart lolsmiley - discojimxx

hi pinky

Post 1132

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

hopeyour metabolism improves m8

hi pinky

Post 1133

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

nowt wrong wi thi spelling Jim (my spelling) is correctsmiley - winkeye

hi pinky

Post 1134


The colder the Buds the better Iain hahahahha xxx Hi Jim,I'm so sorry to hear your not feeling too good,dizzy spells ? Best to get them checked out at the doctors ,just to be on the safe side.Hope your feeling better soon Jim xxx Hi Prof.,I call them dizzy spells cos I can spell dizzy hahahahha Hope your OK ? Catch you all soon Love Pinky xxxx

hi pinky

Post 1135

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi all
im still here,lol.but not sure where.
hi pinky
we are both dizzy so we know what its kiddingsmiley - discojimxxxx
hi prof
its a bit wet here as you will know, but i have to go to town, need my tickets for tomorrow, and and will be at the reg office for a wedding certsmiley - discojim

hi pinky

Post 1136

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

you gettin hitched Jim?

hi pinky

Post 1137

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi crazyh
you wally, i do searches for people, into ww1 ww2 and family searches, this morning i had a 1853 marraige to locate then get the cert,for the one that needed it,
check out my space, the guide for ew227, you,ll get an idea,what its about.
ive traced my family back to 1670, cant get back farther with a researcher.smiley - discojim

hi pinky

Post 1138

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

i got mine down to me first mal ancestor with a surname he's buried at the borders

hi pinky

Post 1139


I have no ancestors,I was created hahahahahhaha Hi All,your sounding not quite as dizzy today Jim,unlike me,I'm just dizzy,always hahahhaha Love to Everyone Pinky xxxx

hi pinky

Post 1140

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi all
hi pinky
had a better night, but still a bit unsafe on the old pins on the way to bed last nightsmiley - discojimbobxxxx
well prof
its come round to that day again, could htis be the day,i could do with £450 about now,lolsmiley - disco
weathers still a bit wet,but im taking a trip to town and the library,ive a search i did to cross reference for a mate,smiley - disco
hey crazyhorse,
for some reason the search fiches for the births,deaths and marraiges in englang are only for englang and wales,scotland keeps its own, we dont have any to check, and ireland as none to speak of after most of the records have been lost or distroyed with the past troubles over the years.jim

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hi pinky

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