This is the Message Centre for Kat - From H2G2


Post 1

moody mudslinger

I just started here too, and I'm 16!
If you think you might want to know me read my page, my name on here is kaybay87.
I hope you reply, cause I only know 2 people on here and they both go to school with me!


Post 2

Kat - From H2G2

Hey! nice to meet to speak! I cant really talk much right now because I've got to go to bed. But I'll talk right tomorrow


Post 3

moody mudslinger

well when you get this, I'll be asleep, most likely!
I don't know, I live in the US, do you live in the UK?


Post 4

Kat - From H2G2

Yes I live in England, near Birmingham.

I'm now talking to you smiley - smiley As you've noticed I'm not good with computers which means that it takes me a while to write these posts, and I always appear online because my mate set this up and I can't deal with the signing in and out.

Anyway tell me a bit about you! The only person I knew when I first signed up was my friend from school, Happysuggs. Other people have talked to me, but I'm a bit scared of them to be honest.



Post 5

moody mudslinger

yeah, me too!
SOME of these people scare me a bunch, but there are some who appear to be normal on here!
I've been on here for probably about 4 days, maybe!
The only two people that I know on here is 2 of my friends from school, which are Tacysa, and keyzpoof! Both of them of NORMAL too.
well, I dont have alot to tell about myself.
I'm 16, I have blonde hair, I live in georgia(USA), and there's more stuff about me on my page!
what about you?
I think It's so cool that you live in england!
I bet you like it alot!


Post 6

Kat - From H2G2

What? like living in England? well I've never lived anywhere else so I wouldn't know if I like living somewhere else! England is alright in some ways but everything is expensive, food comes in small portions, and it rains a lot.

If you want to know about me then I suppose you could look at Happysugg's space. I'm just like her, only different smiley - smiley Compare our spaces and you get an idea.

I've got brown hair and lots of freckles with light skin and a ski-jump nose smiley - sadface


Post 7

moody mudslinger

oh, well I've never lived anywhere else but georgia, and it's always HOT over here!
So do you like school?
I mean do you go to a private school, or a public school?


Post 8

Kat - From H2G2

My school is private. That's how I get to board there. It's not like going to Hogwarts or anything like that though. It's actually pretty crappy. I used to go to a state school and then last term, just before my GCSEs I had to change. My school costs a lot let's say. It's not all that great either.

I don't expect you wanted all that much. What's your school like? I know the education system is different.


Post 9

moody mudslinger

Oh it doesn't matter that much to me!
It's not huge, but there is alot of people that go there!
crowded, yup!
there is alot of diversity! smiley - rainbow


Post 10

Kat - From H2G2

Well there's a lot of chinese at my school. In fact there's quuite a lot of different people altogether really because we do boarding. It's funny because at my old school there were only people from my local neighbourhood.

I'm reading a Terry Pratchett book again. I think I must hav read them all twice. Do you like Terry Pratchett? Do you like reading?


Post 11

moody mudslinger

I've never read anything from that author, but I like to read!
I have to be really into the book to keep with it though, unless it is for school!
Do you like any sports, and do you call soccorsmiley - football football over there?


Post 12

Kat - From H2G2

It's true we do call soccer football! We invented the sport afterall!
I'm not really a sporty person. I like watching sport, but try and get me to take part and I'll run away.
What is it you play? Erm volleyball or was it softball? Is that like a nicer version of baseball? Like rounders?

What books do you like reading? I'll read anything even if it's really boring, just for the sake of being able to say I've read it.

What are you studying at school?


Post 13

moody mudslinger

I play softball!
It's not a nicer version. see there is slow pitch and fast pitch softball!
Fast pitch is like baseball, slow pitch is not as fast as baseball!
If I played volleyball I would probably get hit in the head!lol!
Softball is the only sport I play, but I kinda play tennis too, but enough about sports!
I like to read, but usually I only read when I have to.
Thats what I mean when I have to be into the book!
I havent started back school yet, so I can't tell you what exactly I'm studying, but I can tell you my classes!
Algebra 2, U.S history, 11th grade english, chemistry, band, and journalism(yearbook).
I can't wait for school to start back.
Are you in school right now? or do you have summer right now?


Post 14

Kat - From H2G2

I've got summer at the moment, and have done since the end of June. We got off school earlier because of exams.
What's Algebra 2? And what's 11th grade English? Aren't you in 12th grade next year? Or have I completely messed that up?
I'm doing English Literature, Physics, Geography, and German. I'm also part of our cadet force, school newspaper, and play tennis. That's the one and only sport I will dare to play!
What's the difference between softball and baseball? I know that probably is really obvious to you but I have no idea about either sport.
I start back at school on September 3rd, but have to actually go back on the 2nd because I'm a boarder.


Post 15

moody mudslinger

Algebra 2 is my math class!
you don't have a math class?
no, I'm only 16, in fact I just turned 16 in may.
11th grade english is my literature class.I'll be in 11th grade and have english, so they call it 11th grade english.
Cadet force, back here we call it ROTC!
I do the newspaper and yearbook too.I took geography last year. pretty simple if ya ask me, but then again you'll have different teachers.
I play tennis too, but not for school or anything.
Does your school have a band. I'm in the band at my school, but I also play 2 other instuments at church. Do you go to church?
The difference between Softball and Baseball is that well for one a baseball is much smaller than a softball. Oh and just because the name is "soft" ball DOESN'T mean that the ball is SOFT, cause believe me It's not.
Baseball is usually played with guys and Softball is usually played with girls, but Fast pitch softball, which is played by girls, is like baseball except the ball doesnt change size. The rules of the game change a little though.
I have to start back school on AUGUST 9th, but I'm ready to, But I have to go back early for marching band camp.
It's been raining a bunch over here, and do yall ever get sun??smiley - huh


Post 16

Kat - From H2G2

Okay, I'm in the year above you. In England this means that you've taken GCSE exams in 9-12ish subjects. I did those in June. This counts as an official qualification and you could go off into the big wide world just with GCSEs and work.
The next year, year 12, you choose to do 4 subjects as ASlevels. You take exams throughout the year in modules. Each module counts towards an overall grade for the ASlevel. My first modular exams are in January. At the end of that year you finish all of your exams. THEN you choose to drop one of the subjects so you are only studying 3. These subjects are studied for that year and are called Alevels. It builds on what you learnt the last year.
So what I'll come out with at the age of 18 is:
11 GCSEs (math, eng lit, eng lang, german, geography, history, drama, chemistry, physics, biology)
1 ASlevel (Physics)
3 Alevels (Eng lit, German, Geography)

Did any of that make sense? We don't have the whole thing of having to make up a certain number of points to graduate or anything.
Don't sound so surprised I don't have a math class! I did math of course all the way up the school!

We have different cadet forces. There's the CCF (combined cadet force) which has army, navy, and RAF. Then there's the ATC (Air Training Corp.) which is only RAF, and then there's various other ones as well just for army and navy.

My school has lots of different bands. It doesn't work the same way as in America. We don't have marching band or anything like that, for the simple reason we don't have anything to march for. We have an orchestra, and various other bands (Big Band, a rock group, etc etc).

I don't personally go to church. I like to keep my options open and because I can't confirm whether there is a God or not, I'm not going to sit around in church when I can be savouring the world. If I found there was no God and I had spent time praying etc then it would seem rather a waste of time.

Does all that make sense now? THIS is definitely the longest thing I've ever typed, and it took me ages smiley - smiley


Post 17

Kat - From H2G2

Forgot to say that of course we get sun! It doesn't rain here 364 days a year! In fact recently it was about 34 C. That isn't as hot as some places I know, but for England that's quite nice. It doesn't get all that cold in the winter because of the North Atlantic Drift.
It rained yesterday though.


Post 18

moody mudslinger

sorry it took me SO long to reply.I've been on vacation!
I'm back now though!
what you said about your school and grades and things sound confusing, really confusing.
I know it must be hard to take german. At my school we have french and spanish and I dont wanna take either.
I have trouble typing too, but I am taking that class my senior year.
what you wrote looked like it took a long time.
we don't have anything to march for over here either, well if you count the football(american style) other than that, nothing.
we only have ROTC and it handles every branch,ya know army, navy, air force, marines, reserves,and coast guards. Too many if ya ask me.
anyways speaking of thew subject, what do you think of all this stuff that is happening over here? ya know 911 and everything.
hey have you ever seen the queen of england?
I bet that would be hard to do.


Post 19

moody mudslinger

we use the metric system. ya know kilo/hecto/deca/base(grams,pounds)/deci/centi/milli
34 C converted is?....dont feel like going back to school just quite yet and trying to figure that out.


Post 20

Kat - From H2G2

Where did you go on vacation? Wish I was going away!

Our school system isn't complicated actually.
Look at it this way:
High school from year 7(age 11) to year 9 (age 13) you just carry on as normal learning anything they throw at you.
THEN in year 10 you just take 9-12 subjects and then at the end of year 11(age 16) you take exams in those subjects. These are real actual things that people can go "oohh yes you know how to read and write!"
Year 12 you bang it down again to 4 subjects and at the end of the year you take exams in those.
Year 13 (age 18) you drop one subject so you have 3, then take exams in those 3 at the end of the year. These are Alevels and are what get you into university.

What do you want 34C to be put into? Celcius is metric so I'm not sure what you want. Oh well here goes:
34C = 93F
Is that what you wanted?

I have seen the queen actually. We don't have all that tight security on her to be honest. Sometimes it is ridiculous the amount of security placed on her and then other times some psycho starts wandering round her house.
My dad's spoken to the queen too. He used to be in the navy, and she thought he was from a different country and asked he where he was from and what he did, and he had to say "I'm in Your Majesty's Navy and I come from Portsmouth". smiley - biggrin" />

What am I supposed to be saying about 911? Something special going on with the emergency services or something? Or am i commenting on the fact that ours (999) seems much simpler? Actually I don't know if this works in America for 911 but if your mobile phone is on keypad lock then you can still dial 999 which means that theres being loads more accidental calls. The old phones don't do it though which seems better.

Today I'm tidying the whole house because I've got friends coming soon and also my mum is "fed up of coming in from work every day to see a load of mess as soon as i set foot in the house!".
Also, if you get bored or anything, go on my mate's website. It's

Also what does that http: bit stand for?

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