Susan's intro
My name is Susan and I live and work in Edinburgh. Apart from my day job I'm also a part time semi professional Astrologer. I have been interested in Astrology for around 20 years (I started when I was a baby!) and I was the Chair of the Scottish Astrological Association (or SAA for short) but my two year stint finished in February 2004. This is a great group and we meet every two weeks here in Edinburgh, to give talks to anyone from complete beginner to professional. Our speakers come from a wide range of backgrounds - from the regular members to top speakers from across the globe (we nearly had Russell Grant once, but he took ill just before he was due to come!). The web-site is so please take a look - there's some great articles and links and also we sell top quality CD's of the greatest Astrologers from home and abroad and they are very cheap (£5).
I have recently been studying with John Frawley (author - 'The Real Astrology' and 'The Real Astrology Applied') and am a Horary Craftsman.
I was kind of hoping to get a discussion going on Horary, as it is such a fascinating subject and I'm thoroughly hooked now, so I want more practice. It's difficult practising on your own questions - I always feel the time of the question is very contrived. So anyone fancy picking this up and kicking off the discussion?? (Horary Astrology means a chart is drawn up for the time the astrologer receives the question and this chart is interpreted to give an answer. I can't believe it works either!)
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
Astrology | No Posting | Jan 29, 2009 |
Hello there | Jul 17, 2003 | Jul 18, 2003 |
Queen of Horary Practice
Researcher U233616
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