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A few H2G2/LDers related links...

Post 1

Loup Dargent

hi...smiley - smiley

you might want to visit the H2G2/LDers Space Homepage at U201567 where you will be able to find quite a lot of infos...smiley - cool

but first, if you're using a digibox you will need to go to A948602 where you will be given the explanations on how to get your background more digibox friendly..smiley - wow

if you need any help/advice, the H2G2/lDers Space A1027171 will be there for you.. don't hesitate to ask..smiley - magic

talk soon..smiley - surfer

and welcome to h2G2...smiley - bubbly

loupsmiley - fullmoon

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A few H2G2/LDers related links...

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