The Vikings were quit farmers, when they didn't go kill, rape and burn for fun

The old Vikings sailed the seas to snatch young women, loot or look for bargains. They traded flint knives, salt and freshly salted herring for female slaves, herbs and local music. Clad in skin swards and axes, they were a great catch for any young maiden.

I, Peter the Wicked Viking bear absolutely no resemblance to my barbarian ancestors!

I roam the highways on my motorcycle, pick up chicks, or go abroad for some cheap whiskey. I work hard to pay off my credit card dept, all spent on sex, drugs and rockn'roll. With my new Pierre Cardin jacket, stainless steel watch and biker boots, I'm a great catch for anyone experienced and willing.

Just think how far we've come in the past 2000 years - incredible!

Hale progress

As one of the few selected Vikings, I personally heard a chapter of The Guide while visiting a friend in Surrey near Guilford in late 1890'ties, or was it late 1980'ties? I had him tape the whole series for me.
(The tape is an ancient way of storing sound for later enjoyment.)

Haven't seen the TV show, film or computer game yet.

I was just re - re - re - re - re - re - reading The Guide when I stumbled upon the h2g2. I wonder, the original radio shows must be floating around in hyperspace somewhere around here.

I hope to become Keeper of dull axes and sharp ladies.

I have spent an incredible amount of hours, trying to finish my 34' world voyaging junk rigged Chinese / Danish yacht to be. It just newer seem to get entirely finished.

And I have always loved clever women. I have always truly felt and believed, that a sharp mind is the sexiest on a lady. Just ask all my past lovers, and present!


I'm very male, mostly 28'ish (good going for someone born in 1966).

I spend most of my time in a place where they call me Mr. Senior Mechanical HVAC Engineer or sometimes Doc., and they gave me a 19" flat screen and a lot of choises to make.

Sometimes I feel a little alien. I'm just a guy that likes inventing things and who gets new ideas all the time.

I haven't lived anywere or held a permanent address for the last two years, but I spend most time in Denmark. Australia is wery good too.


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Pete the Wicked Viking (New this week)

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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